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a live dinosaur

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Everything posted by a live dinosaur

  1. Sure, It doesn't anger me What sport(s) do you play?
  2. Mark VI Helmet Security Shoulder (right) Mark V Shoulder (left) Assault/Sapper Chest Tactical/UGPS Wrist Tactical/Soft case Utility Gold Visor FJ/Para Knee Guards Birthday Party Armor Effect Master Chief Firefight Voice
  3. 33 more posts for Silver Medal didn't expect such a simple topic to get 67 posts.
  4. Lol 3 people have the pizza, so I am not worried about that one. Twam would have to really like you to hand that out. I really want the Halo award, I wanna see that under my name
  5. What is an unusual thing in your room? I have an annual, blue Christmas tree in my room. I just don't consider it a Christmas tree, I simply call it the blue tree
  6. Good job, 700 more for me to be there
  7. Mine is Dino Blasters, in Action Sack <3 What is yours?
  8. I honestly find TU better. As someone said (My apologies for not knowing) was that TU separates the good players from the bad. You must be an annoying little kid who sings into his microphone during a game, because they are the only people who are usually bad. Most people dislike TU? If that was true, 343i would not have it. The majority of players dislike it? Then the majority of players are 9/10 year old noobs. Why would 343i make they're game something players don't want? That is pointless! IF all 343i cared about was making money, they would at least make the game the players want. By the looks of Halo 4, that is not the case. So far, Halo 4 looks perfect. The only way I can change my mind about that is if Chief dies at the end, like all of the Noble Team. Armor Lock is not that bad, nor hard to kill. If you are good, you will know the way around AL. If you are in a Ghost, and an enemy is just standing there, facing your direction, he most likely has Armor Lock. boost towards him, but don't splatter him. When you are 10 ft away from him, stop your Ghost. He instinctively goes into AL. Wait for him at that point, and then charge for him. It is actually very simple, unless you are a noob. Also, AL is great for team games. If you are on low health, you can AL, and wait for your team. Even if someone doesn't come to save you, at least you tried. So really, it is more noobs who dislike Armor Lock than good players. Most people who post stupid post/topics about 343i even spell like children. Stop trying to make a difference like Adolf Hitler, aimed in the bad direction. You are not doing anything but making a fool of yourself, and wasting peoples time by posting pathetic posts about 343i. There are enough of these posts hating on 343i, so save your time.
  9. Lol, those ideas are not bad, but it is highly unlikely that 343i would do this. I mean, being able to make a background scene with Frigates and Cruisers and Longswords does sound kinda fun. I think they could just make every map with less kill boundaries and you could make a Forge creation outside of that map, rather than a gigantic Forge World. Good thinking, though
  10. I would love a Beta, but what do you mean by 'An Elite perspective'? -Via iPhone
  11. Cassowary award: Awarded for proving you care for endangered species by the judgment of Mr. Dino
  12. If you want to join the Cassowary's of Virginia (CoV) You can!
  13. That was pretty fun, Hotdog. Hopefully there will be more
  14. Surprised how recent awards were created. Thank God for whoever started it. 300th post... 43 more for the monitor...
  15. LOL I let her try it out, I then realized she shouldn't even have a license.
  16. I love the way they look. Grunts look like vicious frogs. Elites look awesome, too. I just hope Arbiter could somehow see Chief again.
  17. I call Virginia, my birthplace!!! EDIT: 30,000 troops 15 Tanks 50 Bomb squad 100 vehicles 84 Anti-air units 150 air vehicles
  18. III, am not Atheist or Christian. I am a simple Dinosaur. No seriously though, I am neither. I believe there is nothing to follow to get into "Heaven". I just think that if you be nice, nice things will come your way. But again, I am a Dinosaur. Reptile opinions don't matter. GREAT writing, btw
  19. Thats why I love Elites. They resemble my species, and they are proud. So what it is a pointless topic, it is a good way to pass the time with creative answers.
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