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a live dinosaur

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Everything posted by a live dinosaur

  1. You can have her, she is giving me the silent treatment.
  2. Since Bungieeee.net isn't working with file share, what was the built in map that you created a good map on? Mine was on Solitary, the DLC map, it was with infection.
  3. Lol, I knew 343iBot was a girl... I went out with her for a couple of days she broke up with me for someone else. I forgot who though...
  4. What are some keys you don't pay attention to? f6?
  5. asasin, Rock Monsters don't seem too realistic. Apollo 18 was created by the creators of Paranormal Activity. I looked it up, and most places on the internet seemed real. I doubt they had those amazing-quality cameras back then. I would have fell for it if it didn't include... Rock monsters... Besides, I heard NASA is planning a manned trip to Mars in the near future. It will take 1-2 years to reach, and already, Astronauts are in the process of training. Many people have been to the moon, so there would not be a point to do it over. I like the way you think, though
  6. Welcome Spartan, and Tytrex. Are you a t-rex? If you are, we will be good friends.
  7. Now, I am looking forward to the "Beat a Mod" award. I just need a mod now...
  8. You explained exactly what I thought for a couple of years. So much space is out there, so why wouldn't it be in use? There are tons of suns and tons of planets. I am sure there is AT LEAST one other planet with the right atmosphere, temperature, etc.
  9. I need 1 more post on this topic to get the bronze medal award thing.
  10. RRoD sucks. I got it so many times, but I guess there are some solutions in this topic
  11. Lol, It is its own color, so consider is pink. Thats like saying blue IS cyan, just because they are in the same category.
  12. I need help with the Anniversary achievements. They are so tough >
  13. Hi, you will find how fun this forum really is
  14. I would be a combat Elite, but I never had been any Halo thing. I was a tree last Holloween
  15. My friend got it for christmas, and I played it for the first time. The first thing I tried was Halo 3's campaign mission 'Cortana' on Normal
  16. It should be like the customizable armor colors, with the whole list of colors. That would be neat.
  17. 500 to be dedicated? I'm 289 posts away, lol. I better get used to being purple for awhile
  18. Father, I got into an argument with someone over Xbox Live about why they wouldn't show me their Haunted Helmet, and he was an Inheritor. I feel bad, so tell god to forgive my sins Haulaluhiya or whatever
  19. If Elites were at the same strength of spartans, I would love them back.
  20. Did you know there are 3 ways to get back to the forum screen?
  21. Sorry, I cant edit posts on my phone. Anyways, ignore the last thing, I got it now
  22. Sorry, I cant edit posts on my phone. Anyways, ignore the last thing, I got it now
  23. Hey, I will be patient, but when will I get my purple diamond? I became trusted member last night, an still don't have it
  24. Thanks, I am in slayer category because your so confident to win, and I was worried I was in the same one as you
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