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a live dinosaur

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Everything posted by a live dinosaur

  1. Hi, I am Dino. I have been new for 6 months. I am really looking forward to posting things. This website makes my days happy face I just started using this website, so I have been active for... Uhh... March 27 or 26. I don't know. BTW I didn't start this topic to troll, I'm being seriously.
  2. Lol, no, I tried going for a husky, but miserably failed besides, I should be known for my love of German Shepherds. I've wanted one since ever since I can remember. And this looks nothing like the Final, so this is pretty ugly Thanks though
  3. This is a rough draft, so it's supposed to be messed up Sorry about it being so light, I have a bad pencil ):<
  4. It could be loading, it happens on Halo: Reach all the time. Just give it a while.
  5. I think that would be great. But maybe 2% is a little low, lol
  6. If I eat chocolate and post a picture, does that mean I get it?
  7. good job, Mr. Biggles! I'll be here when you have 3000 posts
  8. Thank you ;D I didn't know there was an art department, though
  9. It's a boring night, so I drew this with the help of Forge, of course...
  10. Lol. Fail Spree! Loser! Away From Xbox?
  11. Good for you, not giving 343i the chance. You cannot possibly blame them for anything, the only game they made was Anniversary, and made a couple changes to Reach. Halo 4 looks perfect so far, in my opinion. It doesn't matter, Halo 4 doesn't need failed fans who know nothing about the game yet.
  12. FireFight won't have a dedicated Game mode, says Game Informer. It would be nice though.
  13. nice topic. I am a dinosaur. I'll try my best not to spam
  14. That could be a good idea, when i'm finished, of course
  15. Hopefully bad, I wanna win. Lol jk, but I am almost done. Didn't like my old one, so started a new one. How's it going for you? I would love to know what i'm competing with.
  16. Lol. I spent so much time on mine because my stupid computer was laggy.
  17. Here's a hint... "TIMMY! TIMMAY! TIMMAHHELY! TIMMY!" If you watch South Park, you will know in a heartbeat.
  18. Since Bungie stopped updating Halo data, there seems to be no way to get my Halo: Reach clips onto Safari (or any other internet browser). Is there any possible way to upload Halo: Reach clips? Thanks.
  19. Sucks how Bungie stopped with the updating file share. Halo Waypoint website should have file share, but it doesn't 343i Forums should do that, if it's possible.
  20. How many posts do you have to reach to at least qualify for the award?
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