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a live dinosaur

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Everything posted by a live dinosaur

  1. You know what, why don't you tell us? I went to jail for Forging hippos in Halo: Reach... What? Everyone would Forge hippos if they could.
  2. Hello! Reach has been pretty dull for me lately. If you want to play Match-Making, my GT is Your Happy Dino
  3. Personally, I think the new Cortana is better. What do you think?
  4. I think Halo 4 will be great. I still don't understand how the drop-pods would work with indoor maps.
  5. I achieved Recon with my vidmaster challenges. The work is what counts. Not the helmet. Just the 4 hours of Endure. I think its great people have it now. Besides, They're Recon is for a short period of time, so stop trolling. Lets face it though, such a great game will come to an end. Halo: Reach is near that point. The second Halo 4 comes out, Halo: Reach will be left with dust and echoes.
  6. I think its real. Who takes up all their time writing an article, and fully animate a Halo Elite that appears to have the same graphics as Halo 4's MC? It actually wouldn't be so bad if Halo is how it describes it.
  7. If Bungie doesn't support live Halo data, where can I find my Halo 3 gameplay history? I need it for the 'Halo 3 Award'.
  8. Oh, alright Im not going to be home until 10:00 or 11:00 EST. I also have 4 more games to play before the days over. Also, how do you send my gaming history for Halo 3 if Bungie doesn't support Halo service records?
  9. Oh. I can't get the award then, Im out of the state right now :/
  10. Not a big deal, but when do we receive the Halo 3 Award for playing Halo 3 multiplayer on April 7, 2012? Just wondering, I played Halo 3 multiplayer today.
  11. >8( The Elites better not be one of the enemies. They look ferocious in these pictures, which makes me think they are.
  12. I never had the chance to play Halo 2 online. This would be an awesome idea
  13. Awesome Can't play Halo: Reach today, i'm playing Halo 3
  14. I hope they don't shut it down. I love Halo 3, even though Forge isn't as fun as Halo: Reach Forge. It also gets you a 343i Forum Award if you play Halo 3 today
  15. I don't want to shoo it away, but it's taking up my bed sheets. It's also sleeping. Any solutions?
  16. I never got red ring of death and I had my old Xbox for 3 years. I just bought my Xbox Slim. That's the solution
  17. Awesome find Happy the Assault Rifles back. I never doubted it, though. Halo 2 left it out :/
  18. Chopper, Beam Rifle, Falcon, Mauler, and Covenant Carbine
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