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a live dinosaur

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Everything posted by a live dinosaur

  1. I can't wait. I haven't been able to experience a brand-new campaign in like... One and a half years (Anniversary doesn't count)
  2. Tonight is the choosing of the brave. Sacrifice yourself, and spare others lives from the dino feast that shall occur tomorrow. Three will be chosen, the rest will live.

    1. Noahsammy99


      I volintier. Hopfully your afraid of bad spellers


    2. a live dinosaur

      a live dinosaur

      No, bad spellers are tasty. We have one of three. You can't back out. We will show you all what we can do for taking over our world.

  3. Well, I once told someone (Out of rage) to go feast on his fathers man jerky.
  4. Iced, sweet tea. I have a tea party with my cat.
  5. Or, bring back Gephyrophobia from Halo: Combat Evolved
  6. Can't say Perfection, Killionaire, etc.Mine are any Zombie Spree, Sunburst, and Showstopper.
  7. Nope, they said it would just get in the way.
  8. Describe your top assassination. Can't remember, then what is your best kill?
  9. Well who haven't? I'm sure it takes a long time though. I'm a General Grade 4, almost Field Marshall. I love the way Bungie actually went in order with the right Military ranks. There are 4 ranks of General in Reach and the Military.
  10. I like the 3rd person assassinations, but what would you think about first person assassinations? Just a thought.
  11. That could work, but I don't see the fun in that. It's more fun to see your Warthog spin out of control other than experiencing that inside the vehicle. If you had the option to switch views, that would work wonderfully.
  12. Evade is pretty fun. I prefer it over Sprint in Griffball. I especially love it on Forge if you set the walk speed to max, Gravity as low as can go, and jump height has high as can get. Most fun ever.
  13. I love jet-packs in some cases, but we definitely shouldn't have them in Arena. I don't even use jet-pack on Team Slayer, I find it kinda noob-ish. The only thing I may use in Team Slayer is Sprint most of all, Active Camo, and sometimes Hologram. You can't get much done with the jet-pack.
  14. Personally, I think earning armor with achievements is way more fun. But Credits make it easier to rank up, or at least more exciting. Maybe they can mix the two? Credits for rank, Achievements for armor. What do you want?
  15. Awesome, I have a map I want tested. It's a BTB Heavies map, it's called Designation. Here is a link: http://www.bungie.ne...%20Happy%20Dino
  16. How do you change the color of your display name?
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