I have been using Bumper Jumper ever since I got my SCUF controller, but now I can't surmise which is best for a SCUF :/ I have tried Fishstick, which I seem to like, Recon, which I like since I have gotten so used to it in past Halos, and Southpaw. I surprisingly love Southpaw, no idea why. Maybe because I can aim with the right thumbstick with my right hand and fire my weapon with my left trigger, using my left hand, or it's simply because I am left handed.
I don't see the purpose of using Bumper Jumper anymore, now that I can jump and aim at the same time with my SCUF. The reason I won't keep using Bumper Jumper is because I don't want to have to claw to use my armor ability anymore. I know this my seem like a futile post and I should just go with what I am most comfortable with, but I would appreciate suggestions, I am tired of switching my control schemes back and forth because I can't figure out what feels right. Thanks