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a live dinosaur

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Everything posted by a live dinosaur

  1. Welcome to the forums :3 just look out for dinosaurs because they will eat you. I mean it. Look one in the eye and you'll be down that dinos throat in seconds.
  2. Raowaor roaoroaor roaor Hi guys, just made this post because it is my 343iCF profiles first birthday (not my real one lol) and just wanted to say thanks to everyone for being awesome velociraptors, especially the people I have known the longest, like Azaxx Absolute Dog Spectral Jester Twam One Vitamin PWN Archangel Tyrael GermanShepherdD The Director Choot Em Total Mayhem Bashful Brute Lil Dog Donut Minuette Cooliestrap SuperIntendent Undead Tallgeese CandiBunni Fire Cryogenic Fishy vPlus2 ZB DoctorB77 Anarchy Ironsignia DoctorSpartan Uhhh so many dinosaurs Quantum Zelda Shadow Magnum Zaguroth Adamj Biggles (banned but idc lol) Bob and of course, Twam And those are the only people who I can think of off the top of my head. If I forgot you, sorry, I am kinda tired anyways lol And to everyone else, keep being good velociraptors
  3. Its a good idea, but this is a community forum lol you'll get better results over on the Halo Waypoint forums
  4. Some of these posts above me are completely off topic. I will spend my FFA time on Regicide, I don't care much for the FFA Objective playlist. I don't think it is bad, I just never liked objective based FFA games lol
  5. Yeah I too hope Halo 5 will be for the so-called Xbox 720, I want to spend two years with it like I did for Reach. I hope I can at least get up to April of 2014 with Halo 4 lol
  6. I don't care about what you all do, what I am doing is believing that behind chiefs helmet is Steve Downes face. Or Johnny Knoxville lmao
  7. I still don't understand why the first MMO was cancelled. It seemed great and may have made quite a lot of money, why on earth was it cancelled?
  8. Awesome, it is also amazing with double XP :3 I am SR-66 right now, I am trying to rank up to 70 hopefully by the end of tonight. Remember the third chapter of episode two? That was very, very quick and easy to rank up with when it was live for co-op with random people.
  9. I may get some in the morning, I wouldn't have a problem with giving you some codes :3 I will PM you when I get some.
  10. I think it is because Microsoft and 343i are both based in America. I honestly don't see why they didn't do it all around the world though, being an American based company isn't really the best excuse. I could get you some codes whenever I go to the store
  11. OP, 343i said they will never reveal master chiefs face. They are just trying to get people knowing that he isn't some machine, he is a human. They will not have master chief fully revealed lol, I can confirm it when I find the video.
  12. Wow, this is much better than I expected. Phenomenal job unknownphyzics, I'll like and subscribe :3
  13. So what ever happened to this thing? Did everyone suddenly drift themselves away from this topic unknowingly and unintentionally like I did? Lol I forgot this even existed lol
  14. Don't worry about the trueskill system, that will boot in I think January. You will be playing with people of your skill level (Not Spartan Rank) based on all of your past (current if you are reading this in November/December) BPR, including K/D, Wins/losses, especially betrayals, assists, etc. (I am sure you get it lol) but some of the things you stated I agree with 100%
  15. Yes, this has happened to countless people so far, all coming to this forum. This is not an unheard issue, I am sure 343i are working on it. If you want help, try halo.xbox.com, that is 343i's website.
  16. Lol it may have been a lag in the match. That happened to me once, never happened again. I have no idea why, but it does
  17. Congrats Arch Still, a lot of great members are leaving and great staff members are turning into regular members or Legendary members but either way, great job Arch
  18. Don't worry, there will be new maps. There is just some repeats, I am sure every episode will have at least one new map. Besides, they update it weekly, its hard making so many maps for a weekly episode update
  19. Dude, anyone can change their text color lmao xD I guess the person who posted this article likes lime green. It's no big deal lol
  20. If you need help from 343i, you may have to go to halo.xbox.com and post there :3
  21. Male Recruit PRIME Avatar Armor: 33RDR-3XJP9-KCH9J-74GBM-4YKCK

    1. runacs


      Darn i missed it... will there be more?

  22. Seems like you put a lot of testing into this. I agree, I tried out your loadout, it is amazingly unfair lmao but I am not complaining. I haven't found anything too OP.
  23. Wait... Are you serious? Lmao, just because they are under SR-15 makes them a noob? So since I was once a SR-15, I was a noob? I am SR-42 now, I still use the BR. People who are SR-15 are not all new to Halo, most of them have been Halo fans who know how to use the BR. Then you say it is nooby because it looks like a Famas? Looks are cosmetic, they don't change gameplay. With all due respect, literally ALL of your points are so invalid.
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