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Everything posted by Simmons

  1. my own then i know what came out, wyr look at boobs, while everyone watches, or death by monkeys
  2. alot of meds wyr blow up russia or live in the cold for 7 years
  3. i am in...if i recieve complemantary muffins
  4. no teeth,i can do without them wyr kill a panda,or tiger
  5. no feet, or just my left hand... wyr eat 1,000,000 brown sugar cinnamon poptarts, or beaten savagley by a derranged mailman for your muffins
  6. a flying vehicle that shoots, beside the banshee
  7. heres a list of other games that are awesome -bulletstorm -crysis -brink -rage -syndicate(coming soon) -battlefield 3 -skyrim who wants to discuss these games?post here
  8. it looks like the ark would be backwords because the way its curved
  9. so i cant be god of all toast?and super moderator?:'(
  10. farmer, wyr eat an orange with spikes or an apple with worms in it
  11. eat the pork chops wyr be a prostitute or a slave?
  12. cougar wyr eat a frosted bagel or donut
  13. halo wars wasnt the best game,in fact i hated it,except for the cutscenes they were the only cool part
  14. die on teh mountain, sheesh would you rather be aten slowly while alive,or beaten by a cardboard box in front of the whole school,on live tv while wearing all pink dora clothes?
  15. youre about to fill in some shoes no one else would...because they stepped in gum...
  16. welcome caboose! im simmons, do i know you from somewhere?
  17. i like reach...dont insult all of us global hawk
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