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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Let's add the broken achievements ("All According to Plan"), the invisible barriers around everything from trees to rocks, that cause grenades, rockets, etc... to bounce back in your face and kill you. If this is what 343 games are going to be like, I'm just happy it only cost me $30 to find out how bad they are and to realize I should never give them my money again. He we go, an elitist that thinks because they didn't experience a specific problem means it's the gamer's fault, not poor code. How about you realize that the game was SOLD to us, for a fee, promising certain things that simply do not work, or work very poorly. It's simple enough to deal with, at least with my method; never give 343 another $ of your money. You can continue to buy their poor products and blind yourself to the poor quality, like every other blind, fanboy, elitist. Now... where's the ignore button so I never have to see another post from this fanboy elitist?
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