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Everything posted by InsaneBear

  1. Theres a hundred other threads about this and the answer is no. Leave them to rot in halo reach. Leave them there forever.
  3. Does anyone else want a trilogy type gameplay back and the simplicity of halo back? If halo 4 is in anyway like reach I will be so dissapointed. I just want to have fun on a halo game again and be able to play it for years straight and have it feel like I just bought it and that is what the trilogy is. 343 should put new things in halo 4 because that seems to be what most people want. I could care less. I just want new maps, halo 2 ranking system and new weapons. Keep the halo 4 multiplayer simple! Everyone has been brainwashed by all these other games. They want more! more! more! Cram the game with as much stuff as you can! make it random and cheesy! Halo was meant to be just like the trilogy was. A simple game with suttle changes. I know I post a lot of threads like this but I seriously hate reach with a passion and think it is a disgrace to the halo games. Oh and one more thing. HOW ABOUT COMING OUT WITH A REAL COMMERCIAL RATHER THAN SOME OLD GUYS TALKING ABOUT IT OR SOME LAME SPARTAN ***** PREPARING FOR BATTLE. Remember the halo 2 tv spot? It was awesome. Now everything has to be real people!??? Just show the damn gameplay and be creative.
  4. They need to do a halo 2 ranking system and bring back social from halo 3.
  5. I don't think I liked one halo reach map. maybe the remakes of the halo 2 maps and thats it.
  6. They should have released more by now. This is getting stupid.
  7. All the stupid extra pieces on top mid that blocked you view..there was barely any hiding on sniper tower. It's like they squashed the map together. They closed certain viewing spots out. Go compare them and you will see.
  8. Did you ever play the original lockout? Blackout played nothing like it and the skin they put on the map was terrible.
  9. WTF? How the hell will halo die if it keeps its classic feel. The answer is, it will never die. Reach was a setback and 343 needs to create new ideas to keep the game fresh. For me, new maps, weapons and gametypes are fine. I could care less about cheesy aa's and loadouts. That's why no one plays reach anymore and it averages 70,000 people. Seriously it's a sad excuse for a halo game. The classic playlist looks sick and I might buy halo ce just to play the classic again.
  10. It should be the regular beatdown like from every other halo game. I thought assassinations were stupid and a waste of time.
  11. Reach maps are terrible and I think it's time the halo fans got as great of maps as the trilogy had. I am worried though because I remember the remakes bungie did for halo 3 map packs and they were lame. Seriously how could they ruin lockout like that(blackout). Probably the worst remake they did. If 343 is going to remake maps, just put a new skin on them and leave the rest alone. I would love the see the original blood gulch back or even the one from halo 2. I love the colors on that map, it just looks amazing.
  12. Thats what they said but the real reason was so people would be forced to buy a 360 and start playing other games.
  14. I think a lot of us tried to "appreciate" reach. I rebought it a few times because I thought maybe it was me...but no that game just sucks ass. After playing the first 3 and having hours of the best time then I get on reach and it stops instantly. It's just a very frustrating game and put together horribly. Stop trying to defend bungies worst game. I didn't get anything out of reach except for hours of being pissed off. It's a game for little kids who don't know a good game anyway.
  15. Cause microsoft sucks balls. IT was truly amazing online. It had its cheating problems but it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhh
  16. InsaneBear

    letter to 343

    hahaha how old is this person?
  17. haha I am the mystery man. Ya i can't wait to see some damn gameplay, It's killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! does anyone know when they might release something?
  18. Voice masking was awesome haha I can still remember little kids who used it on halo 2 and it sounded so funny. I MISS HALO 2 AND NOW I AM CRYING.
  19. I am so sick of all these aa's threads such as...Heres my halo 4 aa idea or what aa's do we want! Why can't halo go back to more of a simple team based game. Seriously reach failed. I have played so many damn hours of halo to know a good halo game and reach is not. Halo 4 should follow more of a halo 2 style of play. I'm about to become some kind of counter strike pc gamer because pc games still know what makes games great. If halo 4 has aa's I will not buy it and I can say that honestly. Halo is an amazing game and you do not need to change the crap out of it to keep it fresh.
  20. Are you ******* serious!???? **** aa's. The trilogy destroys reach in every way.
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