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Everything posted by InsaneBear

  1. Looking back at the trilogy, I miss the how fun and competative the gameplay was. All I can do is wait for some new halo 4 footage so I can see if 343 really is taking is back to a classic halo feel. Remember when bungie said they wanted halo reach to be more like halo ce? uhhhh ya good one you idiots. Seriously, halo 2 and halo 3 online were the best times I have ever had on a game. Even if I was walking around a map alone I wasn't bored. Bring back the trilogy feel. No loadouts, no aa's, no horrible maps, no bloom and an awesome campaign. I want simplicity put back into halo. Teamwork, map knowledge, weapon skill, vehicle skill and having competition and fun.
  2. Well it seems they grabbed ideas from there such as loadouts, sprint and instead of killstreaks just more crap aa's.
  3. I just read a quote from frank that said, there are a lot of thing that call of duty does beautifuly that halo can do better. Are you serious? stop trying to be like cod or even take ideas from that series. That is the problem with halo reach, It was a space cod and ended up with horrible multiplayer. Can't we just have a true halo game again where it follows the beauty of halo and not cod? It's pathetic how a lot of game companys just copy cod games now. Where is the originality anymore? It's gone and I bet halo 4 is going to be a reach 2. Well this is going to suck.
  4. When I picture halo 4 in my mind, I can't stop thinking of halo 2. I want the game to go back to a more simple skill based game and to be fun hour after hour. No matter what playlist you are in, you should be having a blast. 343 needs to focus on what made halo great and that was the simplicity. Great maps, weapons, movement, vehicles and ranking system. Halo reach took halo way too far from what it should have been. Reach should remain forever a stand alone game. Please 343, make halo 4 something awesome just like the trilogy has been. I can't wait to see more footage of this game. I hope I don't get dissapointed.
  5. Ya they made the game so corny...halo reach is a little baby game
  6. No sprint! halo does not need sprint. The halo 2 running speed was fine and mlg halo 3 was also very good. Sprint is ******* dumb and allows little pussys to just run away.
  7. Ya but still, They give us one trailer? They should be releasing little things every few months!
  8. I just hate reach with a passion and hate anyone who supports it.
  9. Pretty dissapointing that there was no new footage of the game...
  10. Thats because your a noob who gets **** on constantly and every game for you is the same haha
  11. Thank you. Sprint is a joke in halo and so is bloom. The halo reach gameplay was such a disaster, i don't know how people can even play it.
  12. There will be no bloom and certainly no aa's or people will die.
  13. Ya aa's should remain in halo reach forever like a prison and they will never be able to escape. Halo 2 speed was perfect and mlg made it better when halo 3 came out.
  15. No aa's...I want more of a trilogy gameplay feel. Then halo 4 will succeed.
  16. Why do you ask stupid questions you already know the answer to?
  17. No sprint. halo should have never had sprint in it.
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