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Everything posted by TheFuriousCamel

  1. I want to see the BR return but with a bit of a lower fire rate. I think its a great weapon but thats just the problem with it. There should never be an all purpose weapon in Halo, the last time there was one it was the pistol from Halo 1! I understand bloom was an attempt at this but they should have just decreased the fire rate a bit instead. Or at least don't let people spawn with the BR in matchmaking and have it lying around with ammo to get 2-3 kills only. It's a great gun but its just way too powerful! that combined with bumper jumper ruined competitive mp for me, whereas I enjoyed matches where people didn't use that combination
  2. I do have to say you don't really understand Halo then if you think WE are trying to make it more like CoD. Halo 3 involved everyone starting off on the same level, weapon pick ups across the map, no extra abilities that noone else had, accuracy was important and you had to pace shots, and it was simply a skill based game. Halo Reach allowed people to "choose" loadouts at the start of map, included armor abilities (see perks in a way), they added bloom so you had to pace your shots, and you could avoid death by simply using a death pause button (armor lock or evade). While I personally enjoyed armor abilities it made the game feel less like Halo and more like a spin off. It needs to go back to what it was which was its own unique identity of Halo 3. I WANT to see some armor abilities return but in a much more balanced and less dominating form.
  3. 1. I don't mind bloom, but after playing Halo 3 and how fast paced it was in comparison I would like to see it go. 2. I liked Armor Abilities a lot with the exception of armor lock in a non-vehicle/explosive context. I would really like to see them return as well as equipment. I think it would be awesome to have an energy sword and use a grav lift to take out a guy who tried to jetpack away. I think they can return but with a better balance and such. Evade, sprint, and armor lock can go, but I liked the addition of jetpacks, holograms, invisibility, and such. What would be really good for these is a limited use per life, kind of like equipment. You can use hologram 2-3 times, you can be invisible for a total of 20 seconds in a life, you only have a set amount of fuel for jetpacks. I think that would really balance them out and make them more similar to equipment from Halo 3, which should for sure return like the bubble shield, grav lift, power drainer, and trip mine. Balance them out, fine tune them, make them all pick ups rather then starting abilities. I just want to see their presence in the next one, but I wouldnt mind if they didnt show up at all. 3. Approve. I liked how certain guns had more powerful melees like the brute weapons and gave you an incentive to close in and melee. Gave guns a unique identity outside of its ammunition 4. Yeah, I prefer all the DLC maps/cool forge maps over the standard ones. I miss when maps weren't part of the campaign, and they shouldnt be. Halo Reach was for certain an awesome game, and it brought a lot of cool innovation to the series, some of which should stay, and some which shouldnt. Halo 4 should be the ultimate pinnacle of the series so far because of how different 3 and Reach were
  4. Halo CE Nov. 15th Halo 2 Nov. 9th Halo 3 Sept. 25th Halo ODST Sept. 22nd Halo Reach Sept. 14th I don't see any other big exclusives coming out in fall 2012 yet, so you can expect Halo 4 to be the main attraction for Microsoft. I would say they would continue this trend and release Halo 4 early September, or to signify the start of a new trilogy they would release it November. I don't see them doing a release in December so definitely expect it to be between Sept.-Nov.
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