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Mr. Bashful Brute

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Everything posted by Mr. Bashful Brute

  1. Yes there definitely will be, but it probably won't be called the 720.
  2. They just removed it today, along with Anniversary FFA, Anniversary BTB, FF Doubles, and Action Sack.
  3. You add the gt so you can see on its friends list when people are online and invite them.
  4. I do hate when some tryhard BK teabags me from some crap kill. But I do take part in a bit of celebratory crouching myself.
  5. Preordered the STD when it was first available. Then when the LTD was available, I canceled the STD and preordered the LTD.
  6. Haven't been keeping up with this enough. Have I missed anything significant in the past couple weeks?
  7. I will be picking up Halo 4 LTD Ed definitely. My list of possibilities: Ghost Recon FS Forza Horizon LoZ: Skyward Sword Skyrim
  8. Welcome, and here's your cookie! (:.)
  9. Welcome! And don't worry, your English seems fine to me.
  10. Had a great time camping, but now its time to get back to camping in Halo and lurking in the shoutbox. Hopefully I'll post a couple pics soon.
  11. just got an awesome flashlight for camping tomorrow! http://www.uscav.com/productinfo.aspx?productID=21565&TabID=548

    1. ZB-85


      Wow. That is a cool looking flashlight.

    2. Mr. Bashful Brute

      Mr. Bashful Brute

      Never in my life did I think I would say this, but: DAT flashlight!

  12. 1. Halo 2. Minecraft 3. Forza Motorsport 4. Need for Speed: Carbon 5. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 6. SSB: Melee 7. Animal Crossing 8. SMB: Galaxy 9. Wii Sports Resort 10. Wii Sports
  13. Aww Bagels.. I was just barely getting to know you. Good luck in life, bro.
  14. I just went all ape- on some kids in BTB. 70-6 with an Inconceivable.
  15. I like how I'm not in any one of these clips.... >_> That part when I was driving a Warthog full of people and my controller died would've been perfect!
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