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Mr. Bashful Brute

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Everything posted by Mr. Bashful Brute

  1. I don't think they'll be shut down until a while after the 720 comes out. OXB wasn't shut down until after the 360 was around a while. We're good until at least the release of the 720.
  2. Derpy owls cowering below. DERP
  3. My favorite moment is when I found the "password" marines on Crow's Nest. xD
  4. @_@ I must let my master know of this immediately!
  5. I agree. Also, Silver members should be allowed 100 friends, and Gold members should be allowed 200 friends. 100 just isn't enough.
  6. Did you know that I joined in December of last year, but didn't post until March? @_@ lol talk about lurking.
  7. Why do some companies say "Ltd.", and others say "Unltd."?
  8. Welcome, and good luck with your football career!
  9. Yeah, that's cool. A little rough, if you ask me. Should try blending the edges of those pics or something to make them look better. Still, better than what I could've done.
  10. Nope. Bungie hasn't touched Halo in months. Maybe longer. 343 does have Super Credit Jackpot Weekends on Reach, though.
  11. Yeah, great game. Still don't see how these are "free achievements". Does the OP usually charge?
  12. Black. True black, not this off-black/blue-black crap on Reach. I hope there's a real Black in Halo 4.
  13. What is this? I don't even....
  14. I am. /pointless thread Or is it?
  15. Absolute Dog. WYR have a Sword or Sniper?
  16. Can't beat Infection when doing customs. Dragon, why hadn't I heard of this until now? ¥•¥
  17. Up to 6332 now! Hoping to hit 7k by the time Halo 4 comes out, and then 8k after I finish it.
  18. That's lame... I was hoping they'd let us make our own. That's Micro$oft for you.
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