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Mr. Bashful Brute

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Everything posted by Mr. Bashful Brute

  1. Lol no way. Do you like Mountain Dew?
  2. Cool. I'd like to see more of that Snowy BTB map. Reminds me of Avalanche.
  3. Tomakazi. Actually, you have proved to be more immature than Bullet. Either way, both of you guys should just drop it. Bickering back and forth is immature.
  4. Oh god.... no. Please, just no. I'm already seeing "YOLO" as service tags, and now its going to be worse.
  5. Yep! Pretty awesome, huh? I hope we can search for exact file names, now.
  6. I would like to reserve these colors.
  7. Well that's retarded. What else is there in a toy store that can kill zombies? You could've at least put me in a Wal-Mart. At least they have real guns.
  8. Definitely getting Halo 4. I'd like to get Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, but not 100% sure. Forza Horizon looks pretty cool, too. But Halo 4 is my top priority.
  9. I hope they add pistons and fence-gates soon.
  10. The game overall really that hard, but I raged a ton in LoZ: Twilight Princess. That one level where you have to keep putting the fire out on the wagon. Awful... just plain awful. I hated that level.
  11. Halo definitely has the best music in video games. No contest.
  12. Ooh, I guess I'm good at Forza. Kinda suck in multiplayer, though. I don't play many games that you really need to be "good" at besides Halo.
  13. What? I died?? wth kind of ending is that? The BBs would go straight through that crappy zombie flesh.
  14. Yeah, I liked those two. I hope they do a similar level at the end of Halo 4. Or at least one of the games in the Reclaimer Trilogy.
  15. Well first, I go straight for the BB guns, I guess. Nothing else there is that deadly.
  16. Yeah, I used to go there after they removed Squad Slayer.
  17. Reach isn't really my favorite of the Halo games, but I liked the campaign a lot more than ODST and Wars. Multiplayer is fun, too. Only problem is ranking, and matching similar skill levels.
  18. I always thought it was just the opposite. Bloom takes more skill, since you can't just shoot. You need to time your shots, or else you wont be as accurate.
  19. Yeah, that would be pretty cool. Or maybe a clan tournament playlist.
  20. I'm pretty sure Jet Pack and Thruster Pack are the same thing in H4. Thruster Pack was supposed to replace JP.
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