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Everything posted by spartan-416

  1. Hope everyone has a happy halodays.

    1. Doll


      hope you have a happy halodays too ^w^

    2. spartan-416
  2. Correction Halo 4 will be something truly great.
  3. are you going to continue the story
  4. I wonder What will happen in halo 5.

    1. Mr Biggles

      Mr Biggles

      Lets just get past halo 4 first....

    2. Ardent Prayer
    3. SuperIntendant


      Chief will have a mid life crisis and buy a sports car while Cortana becomes self concise about her looks and gets plastic surgery.

  5. Hi I'm spartan 416 and I'm new to this site
  6. I've been playing since the begining of 2004 and have brought and finished all the halo games and my favourite campain would have to be halo:CE/CEA.
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