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Everything posted by Doll

  1. last time on 'if you can't feel it' , blue base got attacked by one dude, reds new guy, then Doll got pissed, ran to the base, and found an emp bomb on the floor, she stopped it, took it off the floor then ran like all hell to red base, Caboose followed, then the red guy turned around, oh and tucker was eating pb&j and chruch was on the can. anyways, james (the new red) shot the bomb in dolls hads causeing it to explode, he shot again, but missed only knocking her helmet off, she feel then took a knife out to kill, both finding out that they're friends. Doll figures out later that she is wounded and the surpresed pain comes in. she treats her wounds, and Tucker becomes a freaky stalker, James K.O'd on the floor and is being taken to blue base where doll will treat his wounds. the reds didn't do anything. oh, and the info he had got erased, thank you emp.
  2. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/Default.aspx?player=lifelessdoll13
  3. Rp has started, and is still open, anyone who wants to be in it still, must tell me what cannon character they want, and or leave me a oc profile skelly in my mailbox, pm me, don't post on the rp thread unless i give the ok

  4. she nodded her head, following behind Church. "i hope he's okay," she said softly. ((hey, for those of you who want to know what Doll looks like here ))
  5. Doll nodded her head. "yes well, i hope you find my skills above acceptable," she said looking out at the progress Caboose was making. she surpressed the urdge to giggle, seeing her friend being carried the way he was.
  6. Doll tried to ignore the sniffing of her armor, she didn't understand that, wern't they used to haveing a girl on their team? she was just a soldier, just like them...well, better, but still. she rubbed her arm and walked to Church. "i'm sorry i haven't introduced myself properly," she said softly.
  7. Doll shrugged the bodysuit off, her sports bra covering most of her scars. "thank you," she said with a light smile, then started to peel the sleeve off of her arm. she looked up, seeing James fall. "oh no," she whispered. but continued to dress her wounds after hearing the others were taking him in. "leave him in my office, i'll take care of him, and all your other wounds," she called out after them. she stood up and looked at Tucker. "Can you pick up my armor?" she asked.
  8. Doll paused in what she was doing, she didn't look at him. "Kingston, Doll," she replied. "I uh...i need help with this zipper, my left arm is...unuseable," she said bending her head down so that he could see the silver metal of the zipper.
  9. Doll sat down, bitting her lowerlip until it bled. she took out her supplies and started stipping off her armor. getting the the body suit, she cursed again. there was thin pieces of metal embeded into her arm, she took one of her tools and started takeing them out. normally she would take care of this in the base, but given the pain, and the fact that her only threat was her friend, she didn't see why she should postpone it. once she got the pieces out she took off her glove, then determined if she could roll the arm part of her body suit up, or if she would need to take the top part off completely.
  10. Doll caught her helmet and tucked it underneath her arm, she shook her head. "whatever was on that usb...it was probably useless," she whispered. "hey! i offered, you have a day to take me up on it!" she yelled after him. then turned around. realizing the injury in her left arm from the explosion, now that everything was all calmed down. and she screamed, as the pain finally registered.
  11. "Yeah, what do you want for it?" she asked placing her hands on her hips, and pushing the one red strand of hair behind her ears. she looked back at Church, and put one finger up. "one thing at a time."
  12. doll opened her mouth to say something only to interupted. "look give me the data you have, alright?" she aksed over the shots and the cursing.
  13. Doll stood inbetween them. "Okay, first, you know me better then that, two," she paused. "Command is retarded," she sighed. the looked over at Tucker and put her hand up. "I'm okay, don't worry, he's a friend,i got this."
  14. As the EMP exploded she cursed loudly, she ducked, having only her helmet taken off, and not her head. she pulled out her knife and ran at him, she twisted around, knocking the Sniper out of his hands and pressing the blade gently against his neck. "you owe me a new helmet," she sneered, then blinked, she had knocked his helmet off and she backed off. "oh you have to be kidding me."
  15. She didn't talk as she ran all the way to Red base, it would only waste her energy, and she needed that to deliver the 'package'. when they got close to the base she stopped holding her hand out for Caboose to follow suite. her helmet had been motified to scope, not as powerful as a sniper rifle, but just as useful. she used it now to see where all the reds were. the easiest way was to go to the back, but she needed a distraction. "i guess i have to wait for Tucker," she said, bitting her lower lip, she didn't like waiting. she turned her head to Caboose. "I'm doll by the way, Doll Kingston."
  16. Doll stopped in her tracks, almost dropping the bomb. she smiled kindly at him. "Follow me," she said, then went back to running.
  17. "I don't know, but he knows what he's doing," she growled, taking a cloth from her belt and cleaning her armor, clean equipment ment working equipment. "yeah, in fact, go after him, he's headed towards Red base, i'll go through the back," she smiled evily. "by the way, dont' worry about getting shot at, if you manage to live, i'll fix you right up," she added before she ran off. thanking god that she was used to all this.
  18. Doll didn't pause in her work. "A red got into the base, from the looks of this, it got something from us, then decided to set this little guy off," she explained as she sat back, sighing deeply as she finished up. she pryed the device off the floor and stood up. "what are you...you know forget it, i'll do this on my own," she said. walking past Tucker, the EMP bomb underneath her left arm.
  19. ((Doll is Cyan as primary, and Lavander as secondary) Doll saw that everyone was some collecting to the mess, she cursed as she realized what had happened. she ran back to the base, feeling like something was wrong, she couldn't get back in, but she knew that a window was open, she burst through, then ran to the consoles, only to find an EMP bomb strapped to the walls, she curesed again, then started working on getting rid of it, she didn't have much time left.
  20. Doll heard soemthing crash, and cursed under her breath. "i'm so not in the mood," she growled. taking up her pistol as she ran outside. "whoever is here, i'll end it fast," she thought. snapping her helmet back on, checking out the area only when she had heard the secure hiss of the airlocks.
  21. yus, lol, its how i got my mom to play halo.
  22. It was a cold and normal day, the reds and blues had just returned from one of their current adventures. what they didn't know, was that there were going to be some new members waiting for them in their bases. Doll sighed as she ran her gloved hands through her short black hair. she stared at her helmet. and sighed. "command...stupid...why the hell am i here?" she muttered. getting tired of waiting for a lousy squad.
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