last time on 'if you can't feel it' , blue base got attacked by one dude, reds new guy, then Doll got pissed, ran to the base, and found an emp bomb on the floor, she stopped it, took it off the floor then ran like all hell to red base, Caboose followed, then the red guy turned around, oh and tucker was eating pb&j and chruch was on the can. anyways, james (the new red) shot the bomb in dolls hads causeing it to explode, he shot again, but missed only knocking her helmet off, she feel then took a knife out to kill, both finding out that they're friends. Doll figures out later that she is wounded and the surpresed pain comes in. she treats her wounds, and Tucker becomes a freaky stalker, James K.O'd on the floor and is being taken to blue base where doll will treat his wounds. the reds didn't do anything. oh, and the info he had got erased, thank you emp.