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Everything posted by TheFollower

  1. Third person driving is fine to me. I like the way, you can see better. That's why in Halo: CEA the warthog was so epic and awesome because it had a balance of everything. Third person= driver. First person= passenger. Turret= third person. Besides, it get's boring not seeing your own character.
  2. Hahahahahahahah. Hahahahahahahhaha....lol. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have posted the laughing but, this is funny right here. A game? Hahahahahaha. *laughs til he passes out* No seriously, a game? The parody is funny but, meh. I don't know about a game. I'm sure it'll still be good for the Nyan fans.
  3. Firefight should stay. Otherwise, how would we do the weekly challenge now? Plus, the Anniversary Firefight is really sparking up the place.
  4. Oh really? Hmmmm..... *scratches forehead*. lol
  5. I'm in the U.S. I ironically also installed Youtube just yesterday also, lol.
  6. Okay, I actually love those. Maybe i'll see one.
  7. Your welcome, so far this site is full of so much nice people. =]
  8. Thank you, yeah looks like you'll see two faces of sonic here, lol. Thanks, i guess i'll meet this AbsoluteDog guy, thanks!
  9. Hello, I'm new here. I love seeing the forums so far. When you look at people's posts you'll probably see me in the "like" bar. Because well, i like a lot of things. Again, hello everybody, my name's TheFollower. Hello
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