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Silent Meta

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Everything posted by Silent Meta

  1. Ok I havn't seen anything about a Gravity Hammer yet so if that isn't confirmed how many people hope there is a Promethean version of the Gravity Hammer? Imagine using a hammer that would turn them into ashes (helping lag from bodies everywhere). I'm a huge GrifBall fan and really hope they have it in Halo 4, can't wait to see more new weapons and returning, it's so close but so far away when we get to have the game destin for greatness.
  2. Ok, i noticed there are a lot of pre-order bonuses from almost everywhere for Halo 4, but are the armor and armor skins ONLY pre-order bonuses or will they be DLC? I don't want to pre-order from 3 places only to find i wasted a lot of money.
  3. What is so special about the flames? I have Eternal and Legendary and there not really so special dude, but 343 should have something like different colored shields when they are hit or something more noticeable and displays there awesomeness.
  4. Thought i'd awnser this seriously unlike some people, Joel's gamertag is JoeAct. Not entirely sure if he'll even add you but you should try, he's not my friend but along the line of my friends i've played with him before. You could add me i guess, i'm always looks for new people to play with. Legend on the highway to Mythic.
  5. Needs to have the basic visors plus perhaps a redish and a greenish, that be awesome kinda keeps it simple but still have better choices, i really hope there is a darker black color though, my main colors are black and blue so i hope we get a color spec to move across to pick a custom color.
  6. I really want to go to it this year, no clue when it is though, Halo is the ONLY game worth traveling across the country
  7. Well, it may be a lot like CoD's ranks considering the armor improves you, and you collect spartan points (Game Informer before you complain) for ever being a distraction for a kill, the 1-50 couldn't work because the spartan points, as much as i don't like CoD or BF, there ranking would be a nice adition to the world conquering Halo Universe. Well i'm hoping it just runs on the Spartan points, but if it requires a certain performance in a certain amount of games to rank up, while you do not de-rank that would be the best, Almost everyone here plays Reach (If you don't why are you here?) and sometimes you go into matches with people that plain out don't know what they're doing (Team Killing, Taking down your shields so you die, tea-bagging kills) those people along with many more like that will be on Halo 4, so do you really want to be teamed up with people like that? Being the top rank then at a fast speed climb down even more? Halo 2 it was to hard to rank up (While it was the most classic Halo and the funnest) Halo 3 like mentioned had boosters and people who sold there 50's, Reach you ranked up with time, the Inheritors on Reach are the real Halo fans (While many are extreamly rude) because they play to play, what do you get out of playing Reach? Nothing but a good time, armor is worthless besides looks, so why do so many people play it then? They play it for the fun of Halo. In the latest edition of Game Informer, it explains "You're going to start off as a recruit, and proceed through the ranks, as you rank up you'll unlock more abilities. You gain Spartan points, which you can use to purchase items to put in your loadouts. You can construct these loadouts around your preferred playstyle."
  8. Hey guy's i'm not normally one to post anything on the Forums, but i'd like to know if something I do often with my friends is boosting or able to be credit banned for. We go into constint games of FireFight Doubles having fun using vehicles till they explode (or till we ram each other) then we fight through the rounds till we get heritics. When heritics show up we hide in a small room (Mostly near first spawn on BeachHead) while one of us lures the Elites in the room (I'm the only crazy one that'll do it) then we attempt to assassinate all of them. (Same goes for when Elite Generals spawn). I keep being told by few people that i'll get credit banned and I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't because i'm enjoying the game with friends. Thanks! Almost Mythic after nearly a year of playing the best game ever!
  9. Well i'm kind of hoping there is not a way to lose a rank, but you still need skill to rank up, that is kind of ranking system Halo4 needs, while you don't have to worry about every match possibly causing you to lose your rank, it will still seperate the good from the bad while making it worry free.
  10. Like what i posted earlier that WILL be too unstable, armor is said to do something, say a level 45 or so has the best armor for there rank, then they decide to derank by ruining games for everyone else trying to rank up causing them to rank down while the one willingly ranking down goes to fight less exp people with that armor, it will not work correctly, people you need to think of everything that can go wrong.
  11. I have no idea how to start a poll and i'm pretty sure they have already decided how ranks are granted but I along with many will quit/never play halo 4 if the ranking isn't like Halo: Reach, many reasons but the top is derankers, people who are willing to sacrifice there rank to ruin everyones fun, such by commiting suicide, not listening, purposely getting killed, betraying perposely, or plain not knowing what they are doing, many people are complaining about it needing to be like 2 or 3 but they fail to see what will go wrong if it's like that, Halo Reach there are many many people on it having no idea what they are doing and those people WILL be on Halo 4 as well, at least on Reach anyone can play and get to top rank and all armor, the rumor of armor really doing something other than just for looks and the old ranking system will be too unstable and unfair due to people (nothing against it, i'm a legend on the way to mythic myself) no lifeing the game having the best armor possible will ruin halo, despite the rank put together system (people will derank to fight less exp people causing others to unwillingly derank) if you can't be promoted down then i'm cool with that, as long as you are not able to lose your rank at all, but the skill to be need to rank up is completely fine as long as rank CAN NOT be lost period.
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