1. I will definitely agree with you on that, I loved Dominion and hated it when they took it away.
2. Also, agreed. I hate people backing out, but then again players joining mid-game does help rebalance teams if a team is short a few players.
3. I find the weapons to be perfectly balanced. An Assault Rifle is easy to counter, all you need to do is take them out at long range. An Assault Rifle is useless anywhere further than mid-range.
4. The next Halo will bring dedicated servers so that will be fixed.
5. Even if it was strong, it has little to no protection, so just shoot the enemies off.
6. I have no problem with high commendations, as it makes the game last longer.
7. I will agree, I miss those gametypes.
8. That is also true, but at least we have a competitive skill rank system. It may not be in-game, but at least 343i acknowledged that we wanted a skill-based rank system so it is fair to assume that it will return in Halo 5, this time in-game.
9. Yes, very true. Plasma Grenades should not be available at spawn, they are overpowered. But then again, in the previous Halo games, they were really easy to find anyway and I had no problems sticking people in those games.