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Jack Of Harts

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Everything posted by Jack Of Harts

  1. I have one but I barely use it. The games on it just aren't great. They're nothing special. You can get a lot of great games on Android and iOS that cost a fraction of the price. After all, what makes a game? Fun, right? Mobile games do give you that fun and there are some really good looking ones as well.
  2. Tell me about it! On Waypoint, when trying to state my opinion, people insult me and call me a 343i fanboy for liking Halo 4 and being excited for Halo 5. All forums are like that, except this one. This forum is awesome, and the community help to keep this forum awesome! *brofist*
  3. Banned for being yourself... That's a problem in it's own right.
  4. Okay, yes that helps. A couple days before the 16th is fine, just send a message to me when you're ready, either on the Xbox (GT: JXZAW) or on the forum
  5. As you all know, we are having a Halo 3 playdate on November 16th, and I don't have any maps. BaneHalo and I are planning on making some maps and we could really use some help (I'm not very creative ) We don't want to make competitive maps, just maps made purely for fun. If you'd like to help us, great! Even if you're not the greatest forger, your help would be appreciated. If you'd like to help us, send me a message. Gamertag: JXZAW We'll be building maps on Foundry, so you'll need the Heroic Map Pack. Don't worry though, it's free Thanks!
  6. Guys, Zanzibar / Last Resort remake! Get to it!
  7. Do we have to have maps and gametypes? I don't have any, does this mean I won't be able to join?
  8. I listen to metal music. What was the first video game you ever played? Mine is M6D from Halo CE. What's yours?
  9. Banned for banning a banner who got banned by another banner who also got banned by a banner who got banned for the reason of banning a banner who got banned by a banner for banning people. So yeah, banned.
  10. Congrats, Bnus. I knew you'd do it
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