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Jack Of Harts

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Everything posted by Jack Of Harts

  1. Jerry, the map was released WAY ahead of schedule. It's available for download, and you can forge trees
  2. I just downloaded the map, and it is pretty damn good. Awesome use of the smaller island.
  3. Though they can be annoying at times, they're extremely useful. If you don't need them, you can always turn them off
  4. A lot of the community have been complaining about Forge Island, but I really like this map. Sure it doesn't look as nice as Forge World, but they're trying. They released it for free, what's there to complain about? You don't have any of the annoying aspects from Forge World, like terrain poking through the floors, blocking off most of the map with walls, etc but they don't seem to realise Halo 4 forge has advantages over it's Reach counterpart as well. 1. Flat lands, meaning easier to build on. 2. No more blocking off most of the map with walls. 3. More pieces available, pending on which map you're on. 4. Forge Island has placeable trees, which is a nice touch. 5. Halo 4 has magnets meaning easier building. 6. Halo 4 has 4 different maps, as opposed to the one, and each have unique environments. 7. Gravity zones and trait zones are useful. 8. Ordnance drops, vehicle pads, sentry turrets, etc. 9. (I almost forgot this) Being able to duplicate pieces, allowing you to build faster. People call Halo 4 out for it's disadvantages over Reach, yet don't seem to be aware of it's many advantages. So, what's better? Halo 4 Forge or Halo Reach forge. I personally prefer Halo 4 forge, but if you prefer Halo Reach, please state your reasons If you prefer Reach, that's fine. But don't hate on Halo 4 just because of it's disadvantages. Look at it's advantages as well, and just have fun!
  5. 343industries have revealed some of the Forge pallet of Forge Island. The base from Ravine will be placeable. There will be more rocks (the 2 largest ones will be available under "Buildings", as well as some more under "Natural") Trees will be placeable. That's all I know at the moment. Oh, and by the way, incase you didn't know this, you will be able to build on the water. The water will only kill you if it is at waste height. Source: http://blogs.halowaypoint.com/Headlines/post/2013/03/28/The-Halo-Bulletin-32813.aspx
  6. We are currently recruiting for our clan; The Apocaliptic Riders. We have a ranking system. If you contribute to our clan (Help us with ideas, creating maps, etc) then you will rank up faster. If we like you, then expect to rank up fast. We created this clan for fun, but we are currently involved in our first ever clan battle and we are looking for competant players. If you are interested, message Dark Angel 21C or JXZAW (me). We hope to see you on the battlefield. AXIOS!
  7. They gave the Flood shields so they don't get helplessly bombarded by Magnums. If you're the Infected, and you were playing on a wide open map, then you'd basically be playing Swat where your team has no guns. Who wants to play that?
  8. Sad to hear but I fully understand. You're an awesome guy, and you deserve some time off. Hope you come back soon, buddy.
  9. I think the armour customization should be improved. They did an excellent job in Reach, and they let me down with it in Halo 4. I don't really like the armour choices in Halo 4.
  10. But, people will just use it as a cheap way to get out of gunfire. To prevent this, maybe using it could reset shield regen, so that after you use it, it will increase shield regen time.
  11. I don't think so, it would be too overpowered. I know what you're saying, it should only be used to instantly move to a place within short distance, but we already have the Thruster Pack. I think it would just be cheap. If anything, only the Flood should have it, to avoid being helplessly bombarded by magnum spammers.
  12. They need to make a movie. 343i have proven that they can do it, so why don't they? Forward Unto Dawn was amazing, and if they make a film, that would be as well.
  13. I agree with you for the most part, but I don't think Infinity Slayer should be the only gametype with instant spawn and ordnance drops. I think each gametype should have an Infinity variant and a Classic variant. Also, bloom I feel was implemented so much better in Halo 4. What I'm mostly reading your post as, is that it should be just like Halo 3. While I agree Halo 3 was an excellent game, I wouldn't want 343i to do the same thing as Infinity Ward and Treyarch; Just make the same game over and over. No game is perfect, and I love Halo 4 for what it is.
  14. Vortex is awesome, why does it constantly get overlooked by Big Team players? I hate Exile, it's a campers' dream map.
  15. If the boltshot user misses his shot, that would leave him vulnerable. Also, because it doesn't have as good of a range as say a magnum or any of the primary weapons, it easily gets outclassed at mid-long ranges.
  16. I think BR's accuracy needs a slight buff, and DMR's fire rate needs a slight nerf. Two guns that I think REALLY need nerfing: The boltshot and the Light Rifle.
  17. "Halo. It's finished." No, I think it's just getting started...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      No I'm not. No 343 employees are on this forum, it's a fan-made forum. To use the shoutbox, you need to make 5 posts in the forums. (Offbeat items don't count)

    3. Sig7Dave


      well do you have any info on halo4 and things are there the way they are


    4. Sig7Dave


      and I just sent you a friend request on xbox


  18. The last two specializations are being released on Monday. So everyone will have the specializations.
  19. Using a thruster pack will allow you to get away from grenades easier.
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