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Jack Of Harts

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Everything posted by Jack Of Harts

  1. Nice intro post. It's super effective!!!!
  2. I put the black box behind it because the text would've been difficult to see. So I replaced it with a black blurred outline. http://i.imgur.com/u0na02X.jpg
  3. http://i.imgur.com/64Bl2rb.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Pk57sNJ.jpg
  4. I'm also pretty sure that a futuristic knife will to a better job at killing someone than their boot.
  5. To apply the Signature, copy and paste this text: [img=http://i.imgur.com/uNhJNeG.jpg] Is this okay?
  6. Is this a Status update?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Delpen9


      Is this a that this that this is that?

    3. Bossguy


      that is that witch is that witch leads to this this witch is this same thing as that... and this

    4. Bossguy


      makes perfect since


  7. Caboose is too gullible, that's why. Apparently he didn't get it the first time XD
  8. You're really still going at this? Smeeze.
  9. Short, awesome life. Would you rather lose one eye or lose one hand?
  10. No need. I won't hide like Arbiter747 did! Speaking of which, Arbiter747!
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