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Jack Of Harts

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Everything posted by Jack Of Harts

  1. Maybe this video MIGHT get more attention if you posted this on 343's official forum instead of a fan-made community site. http://halowaypoint.com
  2. Halo 3. Halo: Reach just left me feeling empty... The story was dull and depressing, the music didn't help either. The characters were very bland and mediocre, the only one I really cared for was Jorge because he actually had some badass dialogue and emotion. Emile was just your stereotypical tough guy trying too hard to be cool, Carter was a bland commander, etc. I don't mind a down-beat storyline but Halo: Reach just didn't do it well because of little-no character development. Halo 3 was just much more memorable. I mean, who could forget Johnson's death scene, which actually HAD some emotion unlike the death scenes in Reach. That awesome legendary ending, too. DAT WARTHOG RUN! Halo 3 had better soundtrack as well. Halo 3's sounded legendary and adrenaline-filled, whereas Reach's sounded dull and depressing (at least it fits with the story... but is that really a good thing?) Gameplay. Halo Reach had much better Custom Games and Forge, but that's the only thing it did better than Halo 3 if you ask me. Halo 3 actually used original maps for the multiplayer. Okay, there were some remakes but at least there were actual maps made for multiplayer. Halo: Reach's maps were either recycled from the campaign or forged, except for the DLC maps. Halo 3 had better weapons. Give me the Battle Rifle and Carbine over the DMR and Needle Rifle any day. It had dual-wielding which was awesome, it had the SMG, the Mauler, the Flamethrower, the Sentinel Beam, etc. Better Melee system as well, you don't have to take their shields down fully in order to kill them with a Melee attack. It had more vehicles; the Elephant, the Hornet, the Chopper (Spyro and I know about that one, we had a huge collection of them a while back on Lost Platoon) and the Prowler. I love the equipment on Halo 3 much more than armour abilities, as you actually have to find them on the battlefield, instead of just spawning with them. You have the Bubble Shield, Power Drain, Regenerator, Trip mine, etc. They add far more variety than armour abilities do, and let's not forget the annoying-as-hell Armour lock. So yeah, Halo 3 over Halo: Reach any day, unless I am playing Custom Games.
  3. Banned for agreeing with him agreeing with someone who agreed with him.
  4. Banned for questioning originality when you are in no place at all to do so.
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