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Jack Of Harts

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Everything posted by Jack Of Harts

  1. It's gonna be awesome! I'm looking forward to it. It'd be interesting to see what 343 Industries have to show, if anything.
  2. Banned for not knowing the actual name for it... It's an optician company.
  3. Hey, less of the name calling, buddy! Gemini Dragons
  4. Banned for not making a Master Chief reference after looking at the page number.
  5. Is this really what the Halo community has reduced to; complaining about everything that is different, even giving a game a subtitle? If the Halo fanbase continue to critique minor things like a subtitle then... The franchise is probably screwed....
  6. I have to admit... I also admit that... This is how you use the spoiler: [spoiler]Text goes here[/spoiler]
  7. Banned for wanting to be hypnotised. Also, it's hypnotisation (or hypnotization if you're American)
  8. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-uatbSei4-b8/U37_sL2OcwI/AAAAAAAAA10/08-Q-tU_TDw/w600-h299-no/Caboose+the+Ace.png If there's anything you want changed, let me know. I couldn't put him in the centre as not all of the Assault Rifle was in the frame so it would've looked like someone chainsawed the barrel off...
  9. Banned for not specifying who you're trying to convince; me or yourself?
  10. Sure, just tell me what kind of stuff you want on it and I'll do it
  11. I am a man of few status updates. Wait, what?

  12. 8/10 Love it. I love the logo, the font and the Master Chief. But I'm not a big fan of the colour and the Chief layer goes a little beyond the outline.
  13. But that one was getting boring. Besides, there's better effects used in this one
  14. Banned for trying to hypnotise me... It didn't work. And that, Is why you fail.
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