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Jack Of Harts

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Everything posted by Jack Of Harts

  1. Ja, sind Sie richtig! Caboose the Ace!
  2. just started eating everyone's apples...
  3. It was good at first, but now it's getting old. You need a new one. 6/10 (It was 9/10 at first)
  4. The title explains it all; Rate the signature of the last member who posted on a scale of 1-5. Be sure to give constructive criticism, say what you think is good and what you think could be improved.
  5. started firing frantically whilst worms...
  6. If hamburgers are made of beef, are beefburgers made of ham? If a car went at the speed of light, would the headlights still work?
  7. I appreciate the compliments, but I'm not quite there yet. Gemini Dragons
  8. There should be a weapon that does no damage, just used for tactical purposes. The rounds would slow your target down, including movement, reloading, aiming, switching weapons, throwing grenades, etc. It should also work on vehicles. To fire it, you'd need to charge it for the same amount of time as the Rail gun. It would be a UNSC weapon. There should also be a similar weapon for the Forerunners that would impair your vision.
  9. What if the whole name is made of special characters?
  10. Good. I hate when people use special characters (even though I have done so in the past) because it makes searching for them very difficult.
  11. You are an "It".

    1. Delpen9


      You are a "they".

  12. Yes it is. Who would win in a fight: Mario or Sonic? Yes for Sonic, no for Mario.
  13. relaxing music plays, but unfortunately...
  14. A new Sonic the Hedgehog game for Xbox One and PS4!
  15. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-DxH8NRgoOj8/U3Wzdi4QMJI/AAAAAAAAAy4/Tl3Tc9aFWuw/w600-h300-no/AnimeAddict.png This any good?
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