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Jack Of Harts

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Everything posted by Jack Of Harts

  1. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-v9PlLQ-UtJc/U2VbdRpMkWI/AAAAAAAAArU/pUM-syUh7Yw/w500-h291-no/BerriesbooSignature.gif
  2. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-5sfc8tG1QXQ/U2VVXe4xjBI/AAAAAAAAAqs/JE2Rr7l2624/w600-h300-no/AnimeAddict.jpg
  3. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ejzID8NMc_U/U2VUR5GA7sI/AAAAAAAAAp8/MJRVnCfo7rA/w600-h300-no/AnimeAddict.jpg Is this better?
  4. Exactly what do you want done to the image? https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/--88GCaSJ-7U/U2VPvTvGsWI/AAAAAAAAApM/DDTPHn-59LU/w425-h300-no/animeaddict.jpg Couldn't make it 600x300, as it would've looked stretched out and pixelated.
  5. Hunter destroyed Moa burger shops...
  6. Awesome post, Vin. If I ever post news, I'll definitely look over this thread
  7. You are breaking copyright law again! Caboose the Ace
  8. #TheEndOfUneaseP1nknut

  9. Thanks guys. Awesome to be recognised again. Awesome picks guys, well deserved (especially that awesome guy at the bottom of the list )
  10. Insignia isn't in the Art Department anymore. I can do it if that's fine with you.
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