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Jack Of Harts

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Everything posted by Jack Of Harts

  1. It makes no difference in gameplay, so I don't see why it's a big deal. You can't even see your Spartan / Elite in-game anyway...
  2. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-O2d1_FemEKs/U1F0mJV63VI/AAAAAAAAAjI/bMnQWdyGjqQ/w600-h300-no/Shun+%2527Kanamee.png This badass enough for ya? I couldn't make fiery text, so I made lightning text instead. I also made it 600x300 because 600x200 would've been too small to fit it all in. Hope you like it.
  3. #AzaxxIsAidenPearceJr

  4. 1.) Spartan-IV 2.) MA5D (Halo 4 Assault Rifle) 3.) Combat Knife 4.) Recruit PRIME. Primary colour = Red, secondary colour = silver. Blood-stained, due to fighting in Close Quarters. 5.) Hologram 6.) Frag 7.) Jack of Harts (It's a pun, my real name is Jack Hart.) 8.) Personality - He has a sense of humour when in the base but during battle, he stays focused and is always thinking strategically in order to take down his enemy in CQC. He loves fighting CQC, which is why he always carries his MA5D.
  5. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-MMm2oYtzBJM/U07vORFjgvI/AAAAAAAAAh4/c0xFmc4TaHs/w600-h299-no/AnimeAddict92.jpg
  6. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-fGqxfOu7o1g/U07oJkW6GXI/AAAAAAAAAgE/5GlhitJRDes/w342-h300-no/Tucker.png This was quite a difficult signature to make, but I hope you're happy with it. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-VPmQnc1sd3U/U07uFExumHI/AAAAAAAAAhE/LPi4R1DUhbg/w600-h299-no/AnimeAddict92.jpg
  7. Welcome to this great forum! Make 5 posts in any forum (except for Introductions / Goodbyes or Offbeat Items) and you'll be able to talk to us in the Shoutbox! I hope you enjoy your stay
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