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Everything posted by Quantum

  1. Welcome to the forums We have Halo 4 info new every other day, it seems like now, so don't miss anything!
  2. Braces. Would you rather play a game on Pinnacle, or Uncaged?
  3. I loved the short clips provided, and it makes me wonder if they got to have the WHOLE game before release. It would make sense I guess, so they could start filming for their next season. I ALSO wonder if they will release Halo 4 RvB's before Halo 4 comes out as more of a sneak peek. That would be cool.
  4. Yah, it says the video is removed by user. Can you update it please?
  5. Quantum

    DMR vs BR

    I agree with Bulletstorm. It all depends on the way you like to fight. I prefer the DMR, I don't like 3 round burst, and I like to stay a little further away than you need to be for the Battle Rifle. For me, DMR wins.
  6. Yes, 87 of them, actually. Campaign cheats What is your favorite kind of cookie?
  7. Halo 3 - Battle Rifle Halo Reach - DMR Both well rounded weapons, good for close, middle and sometimes long range.
  8. Oh yes yes. Ever had the Doritos Locos Tacos? Oh yummy....
  9. Say a friend uses their capture device to video a whole group playing on a Forge Comp map and then it is uploaded and then used as a replacement for my screenshots, would I get the award as well? I would do it myself, but I don't have a capture device.
  10. OMG COMPLETELY FORGOT. With Halo 4... the first weekend I have with it.... I will invite over 3 friends... and we... will... play till the break of dawn!!! 24 hours straight!! Mountain Dew and everything!! Had to put in this update
  11. NO. I had some tough run ins with some idiots in my first month. Made me want to flip. Grrr. If you had a UNSC carrier, what would it be called?
  12. Absolutely. I have full faith that they will create the best game in the series. What weapon in H4 are you looking forward to most?
  13. to marry, because of Jack-in-the-Box
  14. Would love to join the custom games. I have a question though, what is AZ time compared to PST time?
  15. Grabbed some delicous Nutella spread
  16. What was that? I don't understand. Does it make any sense played any other way? Backwards? Sped up? What is AC trying to tell us?!
  17. Lone Spartan-II. Master Chief Style. WYR be an independent Rebel Colony, or a Planet Connected to Earth through UNSC?
  18. Update: In Western Republic Alliance Taken up Air Force task Troops -12,500 troops -4 Aircraft Carriers (Prometheus, Septithemeus, Poseidon, and the Anaklusmos are moored at hidden locations nearby) -20 F-22'S -15 B-2 Bombers -5 HC-130 Combat King/Combat King II's -5 Apaches -2 F-35 Lightning II's More aircraft is in building stage. Today's build: 2 F-35's, and 3 B-2's.
  19. I call Alaska. I will probably forget to refresh my troops, so the United State of Alaska is in Peacetime, while currently building troops underground. SuperIntendent, to remain peaceful, I will join your alliance. Also, to the concern of others, the troops I am building are just to keep our state safe, not to threaten others.
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