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Everything posted by Quantum

  1. This is not good... everything will now literally be, complete and Total Mayhem!!
  2. No, it does sound powerful, but yes not as powerful as it should. This may be due to the fact they are introducing the Railgun, which was said to sound devastating, menacing, terrifying even. They may have toned down the Splaser so as to make the Railgun look better.
  3. I would assume deadly enough for a one shot? Like other Halo games?
  4. I prefer the Spartan Laser with only four shots. Any more, and it's just a too over powered weapon. See, it's supposed to be a power weapon. Therefore it matches with other power weapons, such as the Rocket Launcher. The Launcher only carries 4 rockets upon spawning, that if used correctly, will kill in one shot, exactly as the Laser does. Because of the matching qualities, I think that it SHOULD be 4 shots only.
  5. No. NO. NO!!!! How could you!!!!!!! You didnt even tell me!!!! WHY?!!?!?!?!? WHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!?!
  6. Weekly? I played for 3 hours today and I already have 150
  7. i <3 u Azaxx Be back, okay? I love your drawings and the life you bring to the shoutbox. Don't leave us forever. You will be missed.
  8. So I made his signature for nothing?? D: D: D: I spent an hour on the d*** thing!!!!
  9. First member to... not have a first member for anything! Quantum!!!
  10. Quantum

    Untitled Album

  11. Quantum


    From the album: Untitled Album

  12. Only when he watches everything he loves burn... then he has permission to die.
  13. Bloom is a necessary part of any Halo game. It's been in the games since Halo 1, although not visible via reticule. Pretty much every weapon has bloom. The faster you fire, the more wild, and less accurate your shots become, involving more skill and patience, requiring you to pace your shots, rather than spray and pray. Yes, I say bloom needs to say. It wouldn't make any sense without it.
  14. You guys stink at this game. Watch this. *name of person who will post next* I do believe I win.
  15. What about the other Forge Contest that never finished?
  16. 1.) Don't swear. Censored or not. 2.) Get off his back? Get off MY back. I was telling him that your so called ratios don't matter. A smaller number doesn't make much of a difference. How does 1 make more sense than 1,000? Infact, most people would rather see BIG numbers, than small. It makes them feel like they've accomplished more. It doesn't matter. Get over your arrogant self.
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