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    Forge World
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    I wish to remain an anyonmise user

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Maybe its too late but I think that you should be able to make firefight maps and make battle fields with dead enemys and allies.
  2. I think in Halo 4 there should be different forge worlds. The same one from Reach but with a couple of tweaks We could have a Winter Forge World. We could have summer, fall, or some gigantic flat world which had no death barrier walls or soft kill barriers for at least 2 miles. So that we could make big maps. And add small moutains like the size of the island from Forge world as forge objects. Or have cliffs as objects. And make it so that you have Invisiable walls, cause I'm tired of people with mods getting out of my maps on Reach with the ant-soft kill barrier mod.
  3. I make really good maps and I cant get them into matchmakeing. I build city maps and alot of maps so I think you should have a option to upload them to the matchmakeing. Oh and I agree with SixWaysToSunday and Scavenger
  4. I'm not a PC fan boy lol I just want it so you make your own forge objects in a menu called forge object creator and you have like these parts like engines and weapons and body chasises and wheels.
  5. FPS? All I want is to be able to make your terrain and make your vehicles and stuff like that.
  6. That was a mouth full. But can't Halo 4 use a Unreal Engine like Pariah? Because I want to make epic maps from scratch.
  7. :alien: I think that Halo 4's forging should have lots of forging options. And have a 50,000 budget to create humungus maps. We should have terrain editing tools, Space maps where it goes out like 10 miles in space. And we should have 3 discs for lots of stuff. I also think that we should be able to make epic maps from scratch and then upload them to the matchmaking maps. And that we should be able to make our own weapons,guardians (LIKE THE ONES ON SANDBOX) and vehicles. I also think that we should be able to save our creations and upload them to our file share. I also think we should have a 50 slot file share. And then have a upgrade to 100 slots.
  8. Okay here's what I think should happen, We should be to make our own maps and upload them to the Matchmaking maps. In which case should cost us how ever much CR we put into from Buildings to terrain edits.
  9. Well what about making your own vehicles and stuff like that?
  10. HALO4 should alow you to build something and then group them together and set options on them to make them a gun, or vehicle, or guardian tower, etc. and that you can put them in your file share.
  11. I think that HALO4 should alow you to build something and then group them together and set options on them to make them a gun, or vehicle, or guardian tower, etc. and that you can put them in your file share. I also think that you should be able to change the terrain like starting with a blank map with no objects or hills,moutains,vallys, etc. =)
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