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Posts posted by Kapo*~

  1. Dear 343,

    There is one thing I would really like to know about halo. That is will you ever show us sketches of the precursor race? I have been wondering alot about what they look like. I'm postive outher people have the same thoughts when they hear they ruled the forerunners at one point.


    I'd love feedback from anyone about this question or their thoughts,




    From, Kapo*~

  2. Wow so many people saying no and they hated it i think , they do not have a iq high enough to play a game such as halo wars. I think they should make halo wars more fun for different groups of people like mabye a option on if you would like to play the game in ''birds eye view'' or first person shooting style.

  3. Okay here is what happened I was on my halo 3 doing glitches on the level ''The Covenant'' I had just did the secert marine and found a nother glitch through that one. So after i did that I took a hornet and went on to the scarab checkpoint. Once I entered I killed the brutes on board. Then I walked down to the lowest room in the machine. It looked like a bunch of blue squares on the wall. Then I walked over to grab the plasma turret. I walked past one part of a circular wall thing beside the stairs, and it said '' hit rb to use scarab'' is this a glitch?? I moved back to see if it would return but it didn't, so I would like to know if this ever happened to anyone else , also I would really like to know what just happened and No I dont mod or hack im to lazy lol.


    edit: I also think u need to blow the walls off the bottem of scarab with hortnets rockets, and yes it is possible to do that with the hortnet just takes a little bit.

  4. I got a few problems with this and if you disagree and you want to be a troll screw you if not enjoy my reasons on why you are wrong about cod being all high and mighty.


    1. Halo reach did not look like space c.o.d that sounds like the stupidest thing to say that.

    2. Halo Reach was made by a different company.


    4. COd just sucks because what would like to play a video gamed named after a stupid fish or the awesome Halo.

    5. Your trusting some cod maniac on the internet to form your opinons which is a stupid choice.

    6. Cod Can do nothing compared to Halo *example Cod is all bout shooting and all anti-vehicles, while halo is a amazing combo of vehicles and combat.

    7. Halo gives 900000times more freedom compared to the cod franchise which gives little to none.

    8. Cod has zombies in a different mode out of campaign but Halo has the flood in campaign which is just about zombies lol.

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