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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. You think that I don't have a say because I haven't been a long time player? That 's no reason to discriminate against someone. While you may think that Halo 2 was the best Halo many people don't. And I'm sure that most people want Halo 4 rather than Halo 2. Even if they do remake Halo 2 then it probably won't get it's own Live servers.
  2. Some people like to win. If you only try to win if there's a ranking system then you are not a competitive person.
  3. Wrong site dude. This is a community forum. The official site is halo.xbox.com. Also, I've heard that they are working on a Halo 2 remake, if it interests you.
  4. A ranking system does not make a game competitive.
  5. Microsoft runs the servers not 343industries.
  6. I believe that the Assault Carbine and the Storm Rifle are the same weapon.And even if they aren't I doubt that they would change the SMG's name to Assault Carbine.
  7. Or you could actually play the game before you judge it.
  8. Zuko 'Zarhamee


    Adding onto what Drizzy_Dan said earlier, they also said that he will play a mostly diplomatic role.
  9. Why doesn't any store in my city sell Xbox 360 adapters? q _q
  10. I shipped my broken Xbox 360 adapter to a Microsoft place in Texas. When they receive the broken one they will send me a new one. How long until I get the new one?
  11. I like this idea and would definitely show up once I get my new adapter.
  12. Pc is better if you can afford it. The PC I am currently using doesn't even deserve to be called a computer.
  13. PC is not a "master device" games were built for consoles and consoles were built for games. PC's were not built for games but games came to them anyway. As much as I agree with people who want Halo on the PC there is no need to act superior.
  14. According to the most recent bulletin on halo Waypoint, the strongest power weapons (Rockets, Sniper, etc) will not be in Ordinance drops. Players will only get mid-level power weapons not high-power ones.
  15. Anyone played the new Spiderman game yet? Is it good?

  16. You seem to forget that 2 out of the 3 maps we've seen are indoors. And just because you are indoors on a map that has both indoor and outdoor combat areas does not mean that you're camping.
  17. Congrats on reaching 2,000 posts and thanks for the shout-out! I'm glad to have you as a friend and I look forward to many good times together.
  18. Unless your friend works for 343industries then he's probably lying. Bungie's contract with Microsoft expired. And 343 only cited their desire to make multiplayer canon as the reason for them not having Sangheili in Matchmaking. Why wouldn't they just say that they can't because of a contract rather than bear the hatred of so many?
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