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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. My Xbox 360 got fried by lightning. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Undead


      Ouch that would blow. I feel sorry for you man. :/

    3. Zuko 'Zarhamee

      Zuko 'Zarhamee

      @Smokin Shadowz

      I was using a surge protector.

    4. Smokin Shadowz

      Smokin Shadowz

      Oh wow o.O


      Thanks sucks buddy. Sorry to hear that.

  2. This is not a discussion of any sort. You posted this knowing that it was going to offend people who like the mighty Sangheili. Go troll somewhere else.
  3. You're complaining about a game's story when you know nothing about it. ಠ_ಠ You fail.
  4. If Hunters are not in Halo 4 then 343industries is even more foolish than I thought.
  5. Could you please provide a link to some proof of this contract? This is the first that I've heard of it.
  6. I ban Bullet for trying to do the impossible: Banning Twam.
  7. Argonian. I like the way they look and it doesn't matter what race you play in Skyrim.
  8. I've seen pictures of those weapons and there is no evidence that they are the Forerunner equivalent of the Assault Rifle, Sniper, and SMG. The last one didn't even look like it could be an SMG.
  9. I've only played one round of Zombie Ghost and it's pretty terrible. The haunted map remakes are baffling. Why are there random boxes and barriers everywhere?
  10. Halo reach does not use it's ranking system to set matches. It compares the players' K/D ratio and commendations and uses that to match them. On the subject of randoms going up against parties, you're right that happens way too much and needs to stop. I have heard that Halo Reach's matchmaking system is supposed to prevent this, but it does very poorly.
  11. Is it possible to make bots that could do that? At best the Xbox-controlled allies that we play with during campaign have been useless, at worst they've actually been harmful to the player. If it's possible, though, I'm all for it.
  12. I ban Bobo Magroto for banning FlameGame before I could ban him.
  13. Just something to add about the changes to the level Lone Wolf. The dead spartans on the level are counted as an Easter Egg, they're not canon anyway.
  14. It's not locked... U mad bro?
  15. Halo 2 does not need to be remade and probably won't be. They only made Halo CEA because Halo CE was the first halo game. Remaking Halo 2 would be a waste of time.
  16. You must mot play that many games on Hemorrhage then.
  17. I just want the song Siege of Madrigal to be in the game as an Easter Egg.
  18. I recommend the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. It's a four book series. The first book is called Eragon. It's better than the movie adaption.
  19. Halo 3's BR looked like a toy gun. Halo 4's BR looks way better in my opinion.
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