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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. That embarrassing moment when you say hi in the shoutbox then immediately get disconnected from the internet.
  2. I live in Little Rock, Arkansas. It's a small, ugly city in the middle of nowhere.
  3. Thee is not going to be a public beta. 343 did not want take away time from developing halo 4 to make one.
  4. The hitbox for players is the same. Armor doesn't matter. Only Sangheli and Spartans have different hitboxes.
  5. Nobody noticed because that isn't how it works.
  6. BPR takes your kills, deaths, Wins, losses, and betrayals and uses them to give you a number from 1-100 rating how good you are at playing Halo.
  7. I usually use Sprint, but in BTB I tend to use Armour Lock because you can't walk 5 feet without it.
  8. If the Halo 3 servers are shut down you won't be able to do custom games or co-op campaign over Xbox Live.
  9. Yo mama so dumb she traded her car for gas money.
  10. I would like to see a game where they give us some insight into the history of the Covenant. There are many events that would be fun to play through such as the war between the prophets and the elites, the wars where they forced the other races to join the Covenant, and some special ones such as the Grunt Rebellion and the Taming of the Hunters.
  11. Stay away from the center of maps where people can easily see you. Learn the spawn points so you can predict where the enemy team will come from. Keep your aiming reticule at head height for easier aiming. Learn the important areas of the map and control them.
  12. The pelican has been around since Halo CE. It's not a new vehicle in any sense of the word.
  13. I have a weird problem. I'll be feeling fine, but some minor thing ( a losing streak in Halo Reach, for example) will suddenly make me really depressed for no reason at all. What do you think?
  14. This is the second time we have seen a decent view of elite skin. The first time was when the Arbiter received the Mark of Shame in Halo 2. I doubt they could make it look like this in Halo 2, so it is simply a case of graphics getting better and more detail being added.
  15. Be a normal member that dedicates a lot to the forum. Would you rather be or not be?
  16. Halo Reach is not canon, so Jun does not exist.
  17. If the Br became a 4-shot kill, they would have to adjust the other weapons to keep the BR from being overpowered.
  18. It is not speculation. The limited edition was announced in a Bulletin in Halo Waypoint and they told us what it contains,.
  19. They would have to adjust all of the other weapons if the BR became a 4-shot kill. So no.
  20. I saw a picture of MC with an ODST.
  21. There are 3 seen multiplayer maps. Reds and Blues are fighting for training purposes. Confirmed gametypes are CTF, Slayer, Infinity Slayer, and Regicide.
  22. we have one video of campaign. We have countless videos of multiplayer.
  23. Nowhere, but nobody really has to. Halo 3's servers cost money to maintain but don't have many people using them. They will likely be shut down in the next year or so.
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