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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. The fact that even if MC is, Spark had no way of knowing. Master Chief never even removed his suit.
  2. 343 Guilty Spark mistook MC for the Didact because he was going rampant.
  3. Is Green, Italics taken? Edit: Can I have a black background too?
  4. They said that you needed a Gold account to play Spartan Ops n the last bulletin.
  5. I'd play, but my version broke half-way through the campaign. And that's why you never buy anything from Best Buy.
  6. You don't have to use the skin with the armor. Also you get different skins if you pre-order from different places. Best Buy: http://venturebeat.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/halo-raptor-armor-skin.jpg Walmart: http://venturebeat.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/halo-circuit-armor-skin.jpg?w=536&h=453 There are others, but I can't remember them right now.
  7. I'd say yes since you get a special armor skin if you pre-order. Pre-ordering for Gamestop gets you a Forest Camo armor skin. Here's a picture of it on the Hazop armor: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120527163947/halo/images/4/46/Hazop_forest_camo.jpg
  8. Except the OP won't be able to play Spartan Ops because he doesn't have a Gold Membership.
  9. The Didact is still alive. He had his memories put into the body of another Forerunner. The Didact could be the enemy because he fought in the Forerunner-Human war and hated humans. Mendicant Bias helped the Chief on the Ark and regretted that he betrayed the Forerunners. And how could MC get imprinted with the Didact's DNA?
  10. Perhaps they could have a 4v4 playlist and a 5v5 playlist and get rid of the one that doesn't get played as much.
  11. Rockets. Rockets compliment everything.
  12. Just forget the storyline of Reach. Bungie ignored their own book when they made Halo Reach. The Book, the Fall of Reach, is canon. The game, Halo Reach, is not.
  13. You make a good point there, if she is in stage 1 rampancy it also could of happened when she was left on High Charity with the Gravemind. Either way, by Halo 4 she is likely already in stage 1of rampancy. Of course it's possible that she could skip it entirely, but given what she went through on High Charity and the Forward Unto Dawn, it's safe to assume that she is well into stage 1.
  14. 4 is too traditional. Not making it 5 would be silly.
  15. Cortana is not the only AI created from flash-cloning a human brain. There is an entire class of AI's like that called "Smart AI's". I don't think any of us can accurately judge who she was talking to , so I won't comment on that right now. But I can shed some more light on the subject of Rampancy. Rampancy can be described as an AI literally thinking itself to death. There are 3 stages of rampancy that are proven to exist. A theoretical fourth stage also exists. The first stage is Melancholia. The AI becomes sad and is apathetic to the world around it. The second stage is Anger. This stage is triggered when the AI feels that it has been "pushed too far". The AI grows to hate everything around it and will lash out at the world around it. 343 Guilty Spark went into this stage at the end of Halo 3. The third stage is Jealousy. The AI will attempt to grow as a person by learning knew things. The theoretical fourth stage is Metastability. The AI can now be said to be a true person. It is likely that Cortana went into the first stage of Rampancy when Chief was in cryo-sleep on the Forward Unto Dawn because she was alone and no task to distract herself with. Cortana's yelling and crazy look may signal that she has entered the second stage. This would make her a danger to everything around her. There is no need for her to extend her lifespan, because she might be able to outlast rampancy and reach metastability.
  16. I'm going to assume that by "it makes the tank take more damage" you mean you want it to be more powerful. Go read the Directors post. If you still want a more powerful Banshee, then keep reading it until you don't. The Falcon doesn't need more health, all that needs ti happen is the Banshee needs to be weakened so the Falcon can take more hits from it without being destroyed.
  17. This isn't the official site for 343industries. So I feel great knowing that nobody from 343industries will ever read that.
  18. The Flood can be defeated. The Ancient Humans developed a way of fighting the Flood that can defeat them forever. They can come back and they will be defeated every time.
  19. Sorry for the double post. My computer lagged.
  20. It does have 2 zoom modes. Read the entire thread before you post something stupid like this. And whether you like it or not it's a sniper, it's in a Halo game, so it is a Halo sniper.
  21. I'll participate if my internet is working by then.
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