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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. I read about it on the Scarab page on the Halo wiki. Apparently Bungie mentioned it on some kind of commentary you got if you bought the Legendary Edition of Halo Reach.
  2. This is off-topic, but there was originally a part of the campaign level New Alexandria where you got to drive a Scarab through the ruined city. It was taken out due to time constraints. So the next Xbox should be able to handle it easily.
  3. This is probably the case for the sniper rifle, and not other weapons, because the sniper rifle is a power weapon and is capable of getting kills from a long range.
  4. I heard that they were different weapons though... Maybe, you're right. Edit: Searched for "Assault Carbine" on the Halo wiki and the first thing on the list was the Storm Rifle. Link: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/index.php?search=Assault+Carbine&fulltext=Search
  5. My only complaint is that so many whiners are complaining about it before they play it.
  6. I'm not sure if we've heard anything about the Assault Carbine other than the name.
  7. Dual wielding was taken out because of the need for balance. If you weaken dual-wieldable weapons, then you end up with weapons that are only useful when they are dual wielded. If you leave them at normal strength, then you end up with dual-wield combos that are massively overpowered.
  8. You just posted the same thread in the CE/CEA section. >_>
  9. Just became Dedicated. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Director

      The Director

      Congratulations! :D

    3. Drizzy_Dan
    4. DaveAtStateFarm




      Now make me a sammich so i can appreciate you accomplishment

  10. It's an interesting theory, but there is little evidence to support it. Everything can be explained by the fact that the consciousness of each Gravemind is preserved in what is left of the Flood. So the Gravemind that was killed in Halo 3 was effectively the same Gravemind that fought the Forerunners, which explains why the Halo 3 Gravemind was still exacting judgement on the Forerunners. And a Gravemind is the consciousness of the Flood itself. It is not made out of the minds of those that it's body was created from, it merely has access to their memories. Edit: 500th post
  11. I want to get some friends together and start my own video game company.
  12. Some more air vehicles. Excluding Halo Wars, we've been able to use 8 land vehicles, but only 3 air vehicles and 2 of those aren't even in the same game. It'd be cool if we had some more diversity when it comes to how we want to fly.
  13. So they're not gonna fix the no split-screen for SD TV's problem?
  14. The controls for bumper jumper were not "fine" in Halo Reach. Having armor abilities as the X button rendered Armor Lock and Jetpack unusable. And contrary to what you seem to think, yes, being able to use an armor ability is important. If you don't like it don't use that control style. Problem solved.
  15. I was on the Minecraft fan forums and some guys from 4J Studios (the company responsible for bringing Minecraft to the 360) said that there would be more updates for it this summer.
  16. I can't make a judgement myself, but this is what I've gathered by asking some of my friends from school. PC for the awesome mods. Playstation for...something. Xbox 360 for everything else. Ipod's are made by Apple. Apple is Microsoft's big competitor. What else did you expect?
  17. It was confirmed a long time ago that they aren't giving away armor with the pre-orders, only skins.
  18. This is a community forum. Their official site is http://halo.xbox.com . The forums there are your best bet if you want to contact them.
  19. Have you been living under a rock? It is the new DMR. They confirmed that it was a long time ago.
  20. When you use promethean vision you announce your position to everyone. It counters itself.
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