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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. No need to act like that. He hasn't done anything to you.
  2. Didn't the Librarian stay on Earth and die when the rings where fired?
  3. 343 Guilty Spark seemed to think that the Didact and the humans wouldn't get along. After his Halo ring is destroyed he is talking to himself and wishes that he had some of the Forerunner Prometheans at his disposal. "But, then he would have to be here, too. And without the Librarian around to temper his rage, these Reclaimers might almost prefer the Flood". - 343 Guilty Spark, after the destruction of Installation 04.
  4. Assuming that the Falcon had gunners, then it would easily destroy a Hornet.
  5. Hunters. They're walking tanks that can hold their own against almost any human vehicle.
  6. Halo needs to change. Staying the same would kill it more than anything else would. So, in short, no. There should not be a classic playlist in Halo 4.
  7. When 343 Guilty Spark asked Master Chief "Why would you hesitate to do what you have already done?" it was him mistaking the Master Chief for the Didact and nothing more. When 343 Guilty Spark told Master Chief "You are the child of my makers, inheritors of all they left behind. You are Forerunner" he was correct. The humans were the species that the Forerunners intended to inherit the Mantle, their belief that it was their duty to guard the galaxy and lesser lifeforms. But, they aren't Forerunners.
  8. Promethean Vision seems fine as it is to me. You can see the other team if you use it, but you also just announced your position to them and they will be able to come and kill you if they choose to. I won't comment on the weapons because I haven't used them yet. Other than that I agree with Destroyaa.
  9. Did you even read my post where I admitted that a win/loss system was better? Obviously not. And saying that someone on a team has to go negative for that team to win is just stupid. Other than that, I agree with you.
  10. You do realize that power weapons such as the Sniper and Rockets will still respawn in the same place, which makes half of your points useless, right? Not that I'm against the idea of a playlist for people who don't like the changes, I just thought that you should know.
  11. Only if you have it sent to you from Canada. Which sucks.
  12. Yeah, it should remain in forge, but it is overpowered in matchmaking. It also needs to have less durability if it's going to stay in matchmaking. Any half-decent team can easily keep a scorpion going throughout an entire match, which is a problem when playing with randoms or on maps with only one scorpion. Making another vehicle more powerful will only result in two overpowered vehicles. The Banshee is almost as bad as the Scorpion when it comes to being overpowered.
  13. If someone always leaves vehicles to experienced players, then how are they going to get better at using them?
  14. I hope that the Scorpion stays out of multiplayer. It's fun to use, but should remain campaign only.
  15. Somewhere between 4 and 5. I can be scared, but it's not easy to do and I almost never show it.
  16. Seeing as Bungie no longer has anything to do with Halo, do we really still need to abide by this rule?
  17. The Banshee is overpowered, especially in gametypes where there aren't many power weapons, such as Invasion. They should just remove it from the playlist, along with the Scorpion and Falcon.
  18. Seeing as both of my headsets for the 360 broke, I need to buy a new one. Does anyone have any recommendations or advice for me? I was thinking of getting the Turtle Beach Earforce X12 or X32. I don't have a lot of money, but I'd be willing to spend up to $100. I just want a headset that will last a while and won't break easy, has a good mic and speakers, and will let me hear myself and the other game sounds (shooting, explosions, etc. ) through the speakers.
  19. Alright, you've convinced me. I'm not sure that a classic playlist and a normal playlist is a good idea. It would confuse new players and would likely split the community even further. It also might cause issues with finding a game because the population would be split between the playlists. The fact you're righting off a game without even playing it is pathetic.
  20. Agreed. The multiplayer is great and it is the first game to let us fly spaceships but, it could have been a whole lot better. If only they hadn't cut the level where we get to drive a Scarab. Or, better yet, if they actually stuck to their own freaking books!
  21. If someone playing a Slayer gametype gets more deaths than kills, then they did not help their team and do not deserve to rank up. Perhaps there could be a vote after a game where people could select a player that went negative but still deserves to rank up. Also, please explain to me how the system I described would be more abused than the 1-50 system, which I believe that they confirmed not to be used in Halo 4.
  22. Bungie may have gone against what they said in the book, but if they say that it's canon then it's canon.
  23. I'll have to start playing on master difficulty then.
  24. Haven't played Reach in days. Starting to develop withdrawal symptoms.s

    1. Undead


      I had the same problem with Skyrim and Battlefield 3. haha

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