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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. I've mostly given up on Invasion. There are many reasons, but the main one is that all the maps seem to be designed in a way that makes stealing the data core nearly impossible. Nearly all of the games I've played end in ties.
  2. Halo may kill CoD on the 360, but CoD will likely always exist on the Playstation and the Pc because Halo is not sold for those.
  3. 1. Speeding up travel time does speed up gameplay. you can get to fights and power weapons faster. 2. you don't need to Sprint backwards. Just turn your Spartan around and sprint away from them. 3. You seem to imply that nobody ran from fights before Sprint was added. It's balanced because they can Sprint away and you can Sprint After them a point that people who argue against Sprint always seem to ignore. 4. I didn't have enough time to write an argument against any other issues. I do have a life besides arguing with people on the internet. One the subject of other issues: 1. Many of your arguments seem to be based on the point that something is unnecessary for " a fun, engaging experience". Just because something is unnecessary is no reason to get rid off it. For example, an Xbox 360 isn't necessary to live. Does that mean that I should get rid of mine? No, it doesn't. 2. Promethean Vision is a balance to active camo. It also will help stop camping (you can see them when you use it or hear them if they use it) and promote team play (one person uses PV and tells their teammates where the other team is. Also, the fact that it has a sound telling people when it is used puts more emphasis on listening to what's going on, not less. 3. I don't even know if active camo is in the game, but it's a pointless ability. It's easy to detect and doesn't even cover you completely unless you're moving at a crawl. 4. Hardlight shield only protects the front of a Spartan and it has a damage limit similar to Jackal shields. Throw a grenade or shoot them from behind. If it works against vehicles like armor lock does, then it will also provide a much needed balance to gametypes such as BTB where vehicles are used extensively. 5. For thruster pack, see my argument about sprint. 6. Hologram is actually very useful against vehicles as the drivers Third-person view often makes it hard to determine which Spartan is real. It also can trick many players on foot. 7. When a person uses jetpack they are visible to almost every member of the other team. Do I even need to explain any further. 8. Bloom has been in every Halo game ever made. Reach was the first one that allowed you to see it. 9. A no-scope medal would encourage players to get no-scopes by either try to shoot people from a distance, where they would likely miss and waste ammo, or to go and try to get no-scopes up close, where they would likely miss or die and lose the sniper rifle to the other team.
  4. Why does everyone think that a ranking system where you rank up because you won and rank down because you lost is accurate? I've played against many people that only won because of one member of their team or because people on my team quit. How about this: You only rank up if you win and (in Slayer games at least) you get more kills than deaths. If you win and go negative then you would either rank down slightly or not change rank at all. This would be more accurate then a system that rewards people based solely on wins or losses because it would only reward people who helped their team. This wouldn't work in objective games,but it would work well in slayer games.
  5. Грозна си като салата It's Bulgarian.
  6. Why wouldn't there be a super jackpot weekend?
  7. They also changed the control scheme for Bumper Jumper to make using Armor Abilities, which is great since Jetpack and Armor Lock were pretty much unusable in Reach.
  8. Microsoft doesn't lack resources, but it's a stupidly cheap company. If it doesn't think that it will get enough profit from Halo 2 Anniversary, then it won't get made. On the subject of matchmaking, it's expensive to maintain the necessary servers. Microsoft is, as I mentioned before, very cheap and greedy. They are unlikely to be willing to spend the money required, especially with Halo 4 coming out in just a few months and a rumored console release at the end of next year.
  9. I don't see how thruster packs and sprinting slow down gameplay. If someone runs, then chase them! Do you expect them to just stand there and let you shoot them? There is also nothing wrong with defensive play. You don't have any point there. Sprint and the Thruster Pack won't overpower close-combat weapons, because if they sprint towards you then you can sprint away from them. What you're essentially asking for is Halo 3 with a different story. That would kill Halo more than any change would.
  10. The fans may deserve it, but they also deserve 343 to put their best effort into new games and any remakes that they decide to make. If making Halo 2 Anniversary takes resources away from other games then it should be postponed. Also, there's really no chance of them remaking matchmaking for any games that has been taken offline.
  11. Halo Reach is the glitchiest game I've ever played, especially when it comes to achievements. Just keep trying and you should get the achievement and credit eventually. Good luck; I gave up on that one a long time ago.
  12. Actually, since Ce was the first game and was practically the entire selling point for the original Xbox, it deserved to be made way more than Halo 2 does. I'd honestly be happy to see a remake (I never got it for Xbox and my Pc version broke halfway through the campaign) as long as said remake does not take resources away from other games.
  13. I vote for dragons because of Skyrim.
  14. Halo 2 Anniversary simply doesn't need to happen. It would be a waste of 343's time and resources.
  15. My first game was Super Mario World 3 for the Nintendo Gameboy.
  16. Nope. 343 said that there will not be dual wielding in Halo 4.
  17. Not when your fighting the Flood, it isn't. Plasma works well against shields, but not against health, making it almost useless against the Flood. Also, nearly every combat form that is killed with plasma will get back up. Human weapons have none of these problems. They do more damage to the unshielded Flood and also keep them from getting back up more often. For the Library, I recommend an AR and a Shotgun. Use the AR on the Infection forms and the Shotgun on Combat forms.
  18. Didn't 343 say that Halo 4 was going to have a longer campaign than any other Halo game?
  19. It's stunning. It sounds amazing and looks great, too. I cam't wait until November 6 so I can finally play it.
  20. Translated from the Dragon language in Skyrim, what does "Fus ro Dah" mean in English?
  21. From the description of the Promethean Knights, it seems to me that they are obviously Forerunners. Not once when they are described is the word "machine" or "AI" mentioned. It says they are "Residents of the artificial world of Requiem" which seems to imply that they are not machines, but living beings. Perhaps they have given themselves augmentations, similar to those that the Spartan II's have, but actually replaced the majority of their body with machines. This would explain why they look so different from other Forerunners and why Cortana said that they are not organic.
  22. They didn't add Jiralhanae to multiplayer because it would not fit in with the story, which is that the Spartan IVs are training in war games, and it would also be pointless seeing that the Covenant is not the main enemy of Halo 4.
  23. Yeah, they would. They may have already done it, because as far as I know, the Arctic BR weapon skin is exclusive to Canada. No reason for them not to do it with armor skins.
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