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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. Keep both, but if they can't, then ditch the carbine.
  2. Frank O'Connor said that they aren't bringing back ta Halo 3 system because of the many boosters, de-rankers, and people who bought accounts. This wouldn't fix any of that, so I can't see it happening.
  3. I like the forest camo skin. It looks awesome.
  4. Zuko 'Zarhamee


    How about you guys actually explain how it will affect gameplay instead of just saying that it will?
  5. Zuko 'Zarhamee


    I don't really understand how a killcam would affect gameplay. Could someone please enlighten me?
  6. A Halo game will never be on PlayStation unless Microsoft buys Sony or sells the rights.
  7. Spartans have shields, armor, and carbonized bones. There should be no fall damage.
  8. The Scorpion beats the Wraith hands down. It's way more powerful. (Too powerful. It should be removed from matchmaking.)
  9. Those "things that shoot spikes" are Ranged Pure Forms. Hunters are impossible to infect. Those "huge things that still kinda look like hunters" are Tank Pure Forms. Pure Forms are pure Flood biomass, not an infected host. Drones, jackals, and grunts can't be turned into any type of form because they lack enough biomass. They are used in the construction of a Gravemind.
  10. Wrong, actually. When Lewis Carroll gave out the answer the word "never" was spelled normally instead of being the word "raven" spelled backwards. (Or, in other words being put with the wrong end in front.)
  11. Wouldn't it make more sense to release a game when nobody else is releasing games so people would go buy your's instead of other people's games?
  12. There will probably be plenty of normal looking helmets for you to use
  13. You do know that you can only get the Arctic BR skin if you live in Canada, right?
  14. I would bring back a version of armor lock that only works on impact damage. This would give people who can't get a vehicle in BTB a way of fighting the members of the opposing team that did get vehicles.
  15. I hope that they have other armor skins that you can get as part of the customization.
  16. It would actually be a good thing for a Spartan to look inhuman. they would terrify their enemies, which would give them an advantage in combat. Would you be more of a figure that is obviously human or this:
  17. Where did you hear this? I've never heard about it before.
  18. Just because the Librarian is alive and 343 Guilty Spark knows where she is doesn't mean that she will appear in Halo 4. And MC's surviving friends are Spartan II's like he is.
  19. I don't know what you mean "shipped to other places". It's an in-game armor skin. It doesn't need to be shipped at all.
  20. It wouldn't. The changes would be entirely visual and not affect gameplay at all.
  21. Just had my first Perfection stolen by a glitch.

    1. Mr. Bashful Brute

      Mr. Bashful Brute



      im sorry for your loss

    2. Quantum


      It was all my fault. Sucker. Just Keeeeeeeding :)

    3. ZB-85


      It was fun while it lasted.

  22. Why does everyone think that they're giving away armor, too? "The first eight bonuses you’ll see below are skins. (For clarification purposes, please note they are skins only, and we are not locking away armor.)"- Bs Angel Link: http://halo.xbox.com/blogs/Headlines/post/2012/05/30/The-Halo-Bulletin-53012.aspx And aren't EB Games and Gamestop the same company?
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