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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. Why did the answer to the riddle I asked in my last question not make sense when it was first given?
  2. Actually since they seem to have a central nervous system,some rudimentary intelligence (before the creation of a Gravemind, of course), and appear to be multicellular they're actually more like parasites than bacteria.
  3. What is the difference between a raven and a writing desk?
  4. Dead grunts actually can kill you. If their methane tank bursts, then they will go flying around for second, then explode.
  5. There actually was a Super Jackpot for Swat a few months ago. There probably be more, though.
  6. People who use tactics like that only do it because they know that they can't win without resorting to such tactics. They ruin the game and should be punished.
  7. What's the name of the largest land predator ever?
  8. There is no way to stop the Halo 3 servers from being shut down. Microsoft only listens to profit. They don't care if people like the game or not. Any attempt to stop them is futile. Also, if everyone hate Halo Reach, then why does it have so many more people playing it online than Halo 3?
  9. Yep. Hunters lack a central nervous system so the Flood can kill them, but they can't infect them.
  10. A higher player cap would be great, but we won't get that in Halo 4. Can the 360 even handle that many players?
  11. We haven't even seen the Hardlight ability in use yet. We don't even know if that's it's final name. He shouldn't jump to conclusions. And I don't know about you but I almost never spend any time chasing after people.
  12. Nice list, though I can't help noting that the Zerg seem incredibly similar to the Flood. And the Ceph (from Crysis) don't even get an honorable mention? Still, great list.
  13. I would say Gamestop. Forest Camo looks way better than anything else I've seen.
  14. The humans had a war with the Forerunners before the Flood attacked. As punishment, the humans had all their technology taken away, causing de-evolution. That is reason enough for the Forerunners to hate humans. 343 Guilty Spark even seemed to think that the humans and Forerunners would fight. He seemed especially worried about the humans meeting the Didact. "And without the Librarian around to temper his rage, well, these Reclaimers might almost prefer the Flood." -343 Guilty Spark
  15. Nothing I've heard about the additions to Halo 4 sound like they'll be based on luck. I honestly don't know what you're talking about. Frank O'Connor said that the weapon spawns are completely predictable. Promethean vision is not x-ray, it is more like a short-range heat vision that other players can tell if you're using. Jackal shields are probably just a rumor. And how does sprint make the game easier? All it does is make you move faster.
  16. How does 90 millimeters of tungsten strike you?
  17. I'm pre-ordering from Gamestop. The Forest Armor skin looks awesome.
  18. A color wheel would be pretty awesome. Maybe we could finally get black armor instead of steel-grey armor, too
  19. What's the strangest thing about sneaking out of school?
  20. They confirmed that the Cyclops Mk. II would not be drivable in the first look video, if I remember correctly. It was awhile ago, anyway.
  21. I played the first campaign mission. It made me want to set my Xbox 360 on fire. Haven't played it in a while,though, I might give it another try later.
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