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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. Halo 4 Skyrim Halo CEA CoD: MW3 (unless my friends quit bugging me about it) Scrolls (if it comes out this year)
  2. If the Crawler is remotely like the Stalker form of the Flood, then I'm going to lose it.
  3. A Spartan could just crouch. That would also be a nice way of balancing the shield: more protection, less speed.
  4. I got the Limited Edition the day after it came out. I can't wait till Halo 4 comes out.
  5. The Didact may not be bad but 343 Guilty Spark seemed to think that he wouldn't get along with the humans. "And without the Librarian around to temper his rage, well, these Reclaimers might almost prefer the Flood." -343 Guilty Spark
  6. Do you get disconnected from the internet mid-game? I think that the banhammer counts that as quitting.
  7. They are concentrating on finishing Halo 4 and will probably not update Reach too much. This stuff sounds like it would be cool to have in Halo 4, though.
  8. I've heard that the Gauss Hog is not supposed to appear in matchmaking. If this is true, why am I being pwned by people using it whenever I play BTB? Also how do I update my graphics driver? I've been to the company's website, but I can't find anything.
  9. I'm right-handed, but what if someone is ambidextrous?
  10. Like Kurt said, I play best after drinking some Monster. It seems to improve my accuracy and reflexes.
  11. If you can upload pictures from Minecraft Xbox Edition to Facebook, then it shouldn't be too hard for them to make it so you can upload videos to Youtube from Theater Mode. I voted yes.
  12. Emile's Helmet. It would be helpful if they could make the skull on it more visible.
  13. You're comparing the Holocaust to 343 changing the Living Dead playlist? I agree with you but really?
  14. Ordered it the day after it was announced.
  15. It doesn't run split-screen on an SD TV. Microsoft did warn you of this though...AFTER YOU BOUGHT THE FREAKING GAME!
  16. I love to play the game, but I also love to win and do well. Ranks are a way of showing how good people are at the game and many people (myself included) like to rank up. A good ranking system isn't a deal-breaker for me with Halo 4, but I'd like to have one.
  17. That sounds awesome! It'd be a cool way start the game, especially if we get to fly a pelican.
  18. For me, it's a tie between Tip of the Spear and Long Night of Solace. Tip of the Spear has a lot of vehicle action and is a long mission, but in Long Night of Solace you get to fly a Sabre.
  19. I think that 343 wants to make them seem more like vicious, hostile aliens and less like faceless automatons. I love their new look.
  20. I want the Chopper back. It's a vehicle with spikes on the front, designed specifically to run into and over things. How could anything be better?
  21. Another things they should do is make it so you can't do melee damage to to your teammates. Honestly, who melees a teammate by accident?
  22. BTB because of the vehicles. And since everyone is always trying to get their favorite vehicle it's easy to grab the sniper.
  23. You're so lame that it wraps around to awesome.
  24. It sounds good from what I've heard about it. I reserve any final judgement until I play it, though.
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