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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. I never got to meet you, but you always seemed like a cool guy and I could tell that people really respected you. I'm sad to see you go, but I hope that you have a good life. Bye Luke.
  2. I'm going to be mysteriously ill and have to miss school on the week that Halo 4 comes out.
  3. We need the normal weapons (any weapon that is not a power weapon) to do more damage against vehicles.
  4. Why is Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings on there? They actually did make that game.
  5. Just got Minecraft for 360. Hope it's as good as people say it is.

  6. I guess this means I'm need to find another clan, then.
  7. 1. Talking to people I don't know 2. Sniping in Halo 3. Controlling my anger
  8. I'm most bored at school. It gets worse everyday because either: 1. I already know this and it's just review. or 2. I will never ever need to know this. Just 2 and a half weeks till summer, though.
  9. What game will this be hosted on?
  10. Considering that Halo was originally designed to be a PC game, it seems ironic that people don't want it on PC. They really should make the rest of the Halo games (especially Halo Wars) for PC, but they know that many people will eventually buy a 360 so they can play Halo.
  11. Once you play a Halo Reach game online, you receive a massive drop in the amount of credits you earn offline. I don't know why this is, but it may be to encourage you to play online.
  12. Sorry. I misunderstood what you were saying. No hard feelings?
  13. 343 has already told us how MC's suit got upgraded. The Mjolnir MK. VI was built with nanobots that could upgrade and repair it. The suit was upgraded while John was in cryo-sleep. It has also been confirmed that Drop Shield will not return in Halo 4.
  14. I'd have a Hunter. I'd bring him to school with me.
  15. My real name is Zachary, but most people online call me Ghostly.
  16. Saying that little kids and teenagers are the only immature and selfish people who play Halo is just plain offensive. I just turned 13 two months ago and I've met people who are much older than me, but way less mature on Xbox Live. I once got cussed out by a guy older than me for blowing his Falcon out of the sky with a Spartan Laser. I just ignored him. Who's the more mature person here?
  17. I'm waiting for the best edition.
  18. I can't decide between bands so I"ll just post my top 3. Green day Anti-Flag Rise Against
  19. No, he spelled it right. It's called "Fails of the Weak".
  20. From the name and design, it sounds to me like it'll be a smaller version of the MAC cannons used on UNSC space ships (like a Gauss Hog turret).
  21. I first played a little bit of Halo 3 at one of my friends house. I got the Pc versions of Halo CE and Halo 2 (too bad that the Halo 2 one only let's me play half of the game). I got a 360 earlier this year, along with Halo 3 and Halo Reach.
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