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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. What was the point of that link? I read all of it and it doesn't mention the Assault Carbine or Halo 4 at all.
  2. I want a larger campaign. Hopefully something that is at least twice the size of Halo 2.
  3. I've seen a lot of threads complaining about the fact that Elites will not be playable in Halo 4 matchmaking. While I disagree with the decision to remove Elites from matchmaking, that's not what I'm really worried about right now. What does the lack of Elites mean for the invasion gametype? Does this mean that there will be no invasion in Halo 4?
  4. Welcome to the Forums.
  5. The Saints Row the Third Johnny Gatmobile and the Vertical Takeoff Jet.
  6. You shouldn't only rank up by winning. If you get more kills than deaths, then you should still get closer to ranking up.
  7. You don't know that the SMG is the Assault Carbine. You just think that it is. The SMG wasn't the only weapons that was useful as a shield drainer. The Plasma Rifle was good for that, too.
  8. No offence, but I hate the BR.
  9. Just wondering what people would think of Brutes in Halo 4. I personally don't want them in the game. They just aren't as fun to fight as the Elites are.
  10. Lt. Colonel Grade 3 Edit: Commander
  11. I want them to say things in an alien language. It shouldn't just be grunting or roaring. It should sound like they're cursing us (if we're winning) or laughing at us(if we're losing).
  12. I'm gonna play the campaign straight through, even if I have to skip school to do it.
  13. I got lots of credits playing Gruntpocalypse in Score Attack. This is easy credits if you don't play Firefight matchmaking much because you'll get commendations faster.
  14. Agreed, though I think that they made an updated version of the book after Reach came out.
  15. I've logged into Waypoint and downloaded it on my Xbox 360.
  16. People should, but we'll probably be seeing posts like this until Halo 4 comes out.
  17. I have done what is needed to get both the base helmets, but I still don't have them.
  18. You know that was made by Bungie not 343, right? On second thought, I should probably add that to my first post...
  19. I don't really understand what you mean here. Do you mean that the people you fight are too easy?
  20. I'm thinking a rifle like this one. http://images3.wikia...hean_bullet.jpg That's a Forerunner wearing their combat skin. Edit:It was made by Bungie, not 343, but they might look something like this.
  21. I don't use any of the keys on my keyboard. I'm typing this with my mind.
  22. I'd just like to add some stuff to this. 1.Nothing to add. 2.It has been confirmed that instant respawning will not be in objective games. I'm not sure about other games, though. 3.Frank O'Conner said that players will not be able to spawn with power weapons. 4.Frank also said that weapons spawns will not be completely random and will be predictable.. This is being implemented to make players move around the map more.
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