Skip to 4:07 and you'll see a picture of a post by Frank O'Connor. He says that we won't be fighting the Flood in Halo 4. Could this mean that they'll be in the game as allies?
I like the feel of Reach more. I don't mind bloom. And if you're bad at Halo then you are in no way less likely to get "raped", as you put it, than if you were playing any other Halo game.
I'm not disappointed. A lot of the new stuff sounds awesome. I can't wait to see what 343 has in store for us with Halo 4. (The new gametype Regicide sounds especially interesting.)
I saw a red light while playing Halo Reach once. Couldn't have been the Light of Twam because it made me explode...
Back on topic, I'm priest in training. Woohoo!