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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. Bloom has been in every Halo game. Reach was just the first game to let you see it.
  2. Currently, Saints Row the Third. But it might change when I get Skyrim.
  3. http://web-service.halo.xbox.com/Stats/emblem.ashx?s=120&0=0&1=22&2=28&3=2&fi=27&bi=43&fl=1&m=3
  4. Granted, but you destroy this one by accident. I wish that I had more wishes.
  5. They never said that the Flood wouldn't be in the game, they just said that we won't be fighting them.
  6. No, he isn't. All he did was insult someone multiple times for no reason.
  7. Felt to me like the rock monsters were a rip off of the Flood.
  8. I got it for the Wii ( I got my Wii before I got my 360). I heard that there's gonna be a sequel, so I'll probably get that for Xbox.
  9. They are not perks. That is just a term used by the media.
  10. I don't know. But, Frank said that we won't fight the Flood. He never said that they won't be in the game.
  11. Dr. Pepper is best, after Mountain Dew.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UB6XI3YjFM&feature=g-u-u&context=G2419c3fFUAAAAAAAJAA Skip to 4:07 and you'll see a picture of a post by Frank O'Connor. He says that we won't be fighting the Flood in Halo 4. Could this mean that they'll be in the game as allies?
  13. Maybe Forge is you playing as the AI that has to construct new battlefields for the Spartan IVs.
  14. I came here looking for help getting Halo 2 Vista to work. I saw what it was like and decided to stay. I never did get Halo 2 Vista to work, though.
  15. Halo Reach. For me it had the best campaign, multiplayer, and firefight.
  16. If the music in Halo 4 is anything like what it was in the video, then it will be the best in the series.
  17. While I do see that there is unbalanced gameplay on Pinnacle and Uncaged, I can honestly say that they should have removed Asylum.
  18. I like the feel of Reach more. I don't mind bloom. And if you're bad at Halo then you are in no way less likely to get "raped", as you put it, than if you were playing any other Halo game.
  19. I'm not disappointed. A lot of the new stuff sounds awesome. I can't wait to see what 343 has in store for us with Halo 4. (The new gametype Regicide sounds especially interesting.)
  20. I saw a red light while playing Halo Reach once. Couldn't have been the Light of Twam because it made me explode... Back on topic, I'm priest in training. Woohoo!
  21. You two are the luckiest people alive. My Spring Break was the week before last and it was great. I don't get another long break until summer, though.
  22. It sounds like a good idea. I bet at least 70% of the people freaking out about it are only freaking out because of the name.
  23. Yeah. It worked great in Halo CE for Pc (which I still play very often). I don't know why everyone thinks it will ruin the game or something.
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