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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. Actually most people would probably buy them so they could get them fast without waiting. People are impatient like that.
  2. I always read the entire thread. Don't talk about things that you know nothing about.
  3. This is why I prefer the Halo Reach system. You can lose and still get closer to the next rank if you performed well in the game. It's a more accurate measurement of skill.
  4. Will we be doing this in Halo 3 or Halo Reach? Edit: I forgot that this was in the Halo Reach section, lol.
  5. Big tests at school this week... I wish the weekended lasted longer!

  6. Changed my display name to match my gamertag.

    1. Iиversiσn


      I'm guessing your gamertag is "TrueGhostlyotto" xD?

  7. If they bring back Halo 3's ranking, I will be disappointed. Halo 3's is a matchmaking system that only measures wins, encourages quitting, and just never worked for me ( I always got matched against people who would decimate my entire team). Halo Reach's measures skill instead of wins, encourages players to stick around instead of quitting, and just seems to get me fairer matches.
  8. I think he will come to look for the Chief and end up saving his life when they meet. From what he said to Lord Hood at the end of Halo 3,(Lord Hood: "Hard to believe he's dead." Arbiter: "Were it so easy.") he obviously doesn't think that the Chief is dead. There's every chance that he might come to look for him.
  9. A lot of it sounds different , but I'm sure that 343 will make it great! Except, they should keep credits from Reach. It makes more sense because credits are the actual currency of the UNSC. Plus, Spartan Points is a lame name, as is Spartan Ops.
  10. This is why: A lot of people go to the effort of memorizing power weapon spawn locations and respawn times. This means that they'll no longer be able to this. Which fails. They go to the effort of memorizing this stuff so they deserve the advantage it gives them.
  11. I think that they'll slow down the BR's rate of fire and stick with the "Four shots anywhere then a fifth to the head" system, because it's pretty cheap that you can kill someone even if they have shields when you shoot them if you're using a BR.
  12. I dunno if I like it or hate it. It does look really different.
  13. They keep the credits from Reach, since that's actually the currency of the UNSC. They should change Spartan Ops and Forerunner Vision to something else, preferably a better sounding name. (Forerunner Vision? That's really the best that they could come up with?)
  14. Frank O' Connor said that players will not be able to spawn with power weapons. This means that it'll probably be something like choosing if you want a AR, BR, or DMR.
  15. I went to jail for killing the Easter Bunny.
  16. Sounds different, but I believe that 343 will make it work.
  17. If a weapon actually blows up in my hand, then Halo 4 will be the best Halo ever.
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