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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. Don't you have the time to do something other than be a troll?
  2. I'm pretty sure that they didn't disappoint everyone. But I can understand how you feel.
  3. Everyone just needs to quit panicking until 343 explains some more of this stuff in detail. Until, then we really don't know very much about it. Welcome to the Forums, by the way.
  4. I do think that a lot of this is being misinterpreted. Like the instant spawning and random power weapon spawning.
  5. Woohoo! Finally made it to Trusted Member!

  6. You need power weapons so you can do stuff like this: Bow to the power of the Spartan laser! :unworthy: (Woot Trusted member)
  7. Please read the bold and underlined part.
  8. Yes, it is. A lot of people go to the effort of memorizing power weapon spawn locations and respawn times. This means that they'll no longer be able to this. Which fails.
  9. I hope that at least some of this is fake. Randomly spawning power weapons? Instant respawning? http://nooooooooooooooo.com/
  10. Did anyone from 343 or game informer say that this is real?
  11. If there's a beta, it'd be awesome to play on it. Unfortunately, 343 said that there probably won't be one.
  12. Calm down man. People will take you seriously more if you don't insult people a lot.
  13. That's not really the point of this thread. That song was awesome.
  14. I ban M4sT3r Ch13f S117 for being cooler than me.
  15. You better hope that Twinreaper doesn't come back and read that...
  16. They should make old DLC map packs free when the next map pack comes out.
  17. I want a much longer campaign. I want the Brute Chopper back. I want the Falcon from Reach. I want more Gauss Hogs.
  18. It might be something that they put there on purpose as a secret for people who looked close enough.
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