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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. I want them to bring back the brute chopper and keep the Falcon from Reach. It shreds the Hornet. I would also like them to weaken the turret on the Wraith, as it seems significantly overpowered to me. They should also remove the ability to blow a tank's gun off without destroying the vehicle. They should also make the vehicles (especially the Banshee) more susceptible to small arms fire. And more Gauss Hogs.
  2. No, the OP was asking if people wanted it in the game.
  3. Looks like it could be a face to me. Not sure what it is, though.
  4. They could have him in the game like that. Like, Master Chief's spirit is broken and he's about to give up, but then a Sgt. Johnson hallucination gives him one of his awesome speeches.
  5. I remember that part. There's a chance, but it's a pretty small one.
  6. Didn't get halo 3 til a month ago, but I guess I'll come. Sounds like fun.
  7. Still seems like a cheap trick to me.
  8. After you start playing matchmaking, I think you stop getting credits for kills in campaign and firefight.
  9. I played Halo 3 and Reach at my friends house and got addicted. I few weeks later I got CE on a flash drive from a friend and I got Halo 2 Vista for Christmas. I got my Xbox 360 a month ago and have been addicted ever since.
  10. My medals would build upon the Showstopper medal from Halo Reach. Original medal: Showstopper Requirements: Stop an assassination and the person who was being ass assassinated is alive. Next Medal: Bodyguard Requirements: Stop 5 assassinations and the person who is being assassinated is alive. Last Medal: Can't Touch This! Requirements: Stop 10 assassinations and the person who is being assassinated is alive.
  11. http://web-service.halo.xbox.com/Stats/emblem.ashx?s=120&0=0&1=22&2=28&3=2&fi=27&bi=43&fl=1&m=3
  12. I like the DMR. It's like the BR with none of the ammo consumption issues.
  13. Yeah 100 is the best. (And mine is 36 *sighs*)
  14. Actually, I think it was was on Halo CE for PC before Waypoint even existed. It was different from the Rocket Hog from Reach, though. It looked different and shot 3 rockets that were similar to the rocket launcher's before it needed to be reloaded.
  15. The covenant have been spying on the humans for a long time and grunts learn different languages quickly. They also trained many elites because you can't crack an enemy coded transmission if you don't know the language. That's why the Covenant spoke English in the other Halo games.
  16. The only problem I have with this is that sometimes people only win because one or two players on their team, not because they played with skill. For example, one time I was playing Team Slayer and I scored 25+ kills (can't remember the exact number). I practically carried the rest of my team through the match. Winning should get you extra Exp, but (just in my opinion, of course) playing well should still get you Exp if you lose.
  17. 343 specifically said that it would not be like CoD.
  18. I voted yes, yes , yes. Bloom beats recoil for me any day.
  19. Signed, Ghostlyotto I will raise my undead hordes to fight in the battles.
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