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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. It doesn't have to be on legendary.
  2. Health is in all the Halo games. You can't see it and it regenerates automatically, but it's there.
  3. They might have changed them to make them more equal in multiplayer. We can't really know how it will work out until we play the game, though.
  4. Everyone's leaving. First Mystic, now Donut. Who's next?

  5. Can't wait to see what it'll look like finished.
  6. Here's what I think he said: He plays Firefight Doubles with his friends and when they get to high rounds, they'll lure elites into a room and assassinate them all. He's been told by people that he'll get credit banned for doing this. He wants to know if what he does could be classified as boosting and if he could be credit banned for this.
  7. I like Reach's health bar. It gives you a chance if you lose your shields.
  8. I read about this one. One of the guys working on the game (the original game) had a girlfriend name Meg, so he put that in the game as a tribute to her.
  9. How does it make sense to walk from a gun fight instead of running? You'd just get shot more.
  10. I was playing Team SWAT and the other team beat my team by spawn-camping. One of the guys on the other team called me a "F***ing peace of trash." I challenged him to a custom game, 1v1. He was decimated.
  11. Noahsammy, don't do it. Suicide isn't the answer. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Just think of all the things you'll miss. Do you really want to miss out on your life before it even gets started?
  12. Just because you don't state your opinion about something doesn't mean that it will be in Halo 4. That doesn't make any sense.
  13. He should start to take off his helmet, but each time he does, something will happen to stop him. They shouldn't ever show his face. It would kill the immersion.
  14. You have provided no argument against including sprint. All you said was that it makes no sense. If you don't like the Halo 4 BR design, then don't use the BR. There'll be other weapons.
  15. Varied landscapes would be best, in my opinion. That way everyone will (probably) have something they like.
  16. Voting seems like the better system to me.
  17. It means that people can get to different areas of the map faster. That's good for the game, in my opinion.
  18. ^ This. Halo 4 should be it's own game. If I want to play Halo 3 I'll play Halo 3. If I want to play Halo Reach, I'll play Halo Reach. If I play Halo 4, Then I want it to feel like Halo 4.
  19. you could just as easily say that CoD "expands" on it's gameplay, when it really does is ship what is basically the same gameplay each game. Gameplay should change and become better, not just "expand".
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