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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. There should be fall damage. It added a bit more immersion to the game.
  2. Enemies have always have had infinite ammo and weapons that don't overheat (if they're using plasma weapons). It's not anything special.
  3. Very nice guide! Something I'd like to add is that the Hologram armor ability is very useful when fighting Hunters. If you use it when your running toward them, they'll attack it with melee and you can just run around behind them and attack their exposed back.
  4. The brute shot was awesome! I hope they bring it back in Halo 4.
  5. The end sounds like the song "One Final Effort" from Halo 3. Sounds awesome and I can't wait till Halo 4!
  6. To be infected by the flood, an organism needs to have enough biomass and calcium in its body. Hunters can't be infected because they lack a central nervous system for the flood to take control of, a skeleton, and the individual worm that make up the Hunters are too small to be infected. Drones don't have any bones, they have an exoskeleton, so they don't have enough calcium for the flood to use in them. Grunts and Jackals can be infected, but they usually end up as carrier forms, like Twinreaper said. There are grunt and jackal combat forms in Halo Wars, though they are never seen in any other games. Any creature with biomass for food or the creation of a Gravemind.
  7. If they make halo like you want it, then I really will sell my Xbox 360! Bloom was in all the Halo games. If you don't like the armor abilities don't use them and find a way to counter them when other people use them. Making a game complicated, doesn't change the luck factor. I don't even think that sprinting affects spawns at all and there aren't iron sights in Halo Reach. The battle rifle was never useful to me, not very much power and it burned through ammo too quickly. The DMR has neither of these problems. Halo 4 does need new ideas, otherwise it won't be Halo 4. It will be Halo 2 Ver. 2.0! Besides, Halo 2 and 3 gameplay was nothing for me compared to what Reach's was. The Xbox 360 and the PS3 are in no way outdated, and how is a $600 console ( compared to the Xbox 360's $200-$300 ) for poor people? Console gaming has plenty over PC gaming. With a console, you don't have to check every time to make sure that your PC can run the game. There is nothing wrong with liking Call of Duty or Halo:Reach. Just because you don't like a game doesn't mean that other people can't. Get over it.
  8. The wort wort wort sound was created by taking a file of Johnson's voice saying "Go Go Go" and slowing it down (or reversing it, not sure which). So wort wort wort means go go go. Dunno what blarg would mean, though.
  9. Why would he be wondering that if Sgt. Johnson had come back in a pelican or another ship?
  10. Then how come the Master Gunnery Sergeant asks Johnson how he got off the the ring at the end of the Halo 2 tutorial?
  11. Armor should be for looks only. It shouldn't affect gameplay at all.
  12. I want more customization. They need also need to give us the ability to customize elite armor, instead of just giving us some pre-set options.
  13. I don't watch sports, but if I did, I'd probably watch a video game tournament.
  14. I started using Ghostlyotto a long time before I joined the forums here. I tried to use the username GhostlyAuto, but it was already taken. So I changed the spelling of auto to otto. It worked and I've been using it ever since.
  15. I want a spaceships fight level. One person will drive the spaceship while others will control turrets or try to board the other ship using banshees or something like them. It'd probably too laggy to work, but I can dream.
  16. I am now afraid to go to sleep because every time I close my eyes I see that image. O_O
  17. Some people can't afford an Xbox 360. I don't have one because of that reason. I want one, but it would take me at least a year to get that kind of money. Not wanting to spend 200 extra dollars on an Xbox 360 when you could just buy it for something you already have isn't being stingy. It's being smart.
  18. This is from Halo CE, but I think i'll post it anyway. I was near my team's base at Blood Gulch and was about to snipe a guy on the nearby hill. Out of nowhere, another guy from his team jumps right in front of me...right as I shoot at the other guy. I ended up with a double headshot and an awesome story to tell.
  19. I think that there should be assassinations. I don't own an xbox 360, but I've played Reach a lot at my friend's house. Assassinations were a cool way of taking out opponents. Master Chief doesn't need a knife though. He could probly make someone's head explode just by punching it.
  20. Battle Rifle and any version of the smg and the scarab gun
  21. The awkward moment when you forget which team your on and chuck a grenade that betrays everyone else on your team.
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